Angel, the brave Belgian shepherd, has triumphed over a challenging life, emerging victorious from the dark clutches of China’s dog meat trade. Rescued by Rushton Dog Rescue in 2015, she was given a second chance at life. Eventually, Angel found her forever home with Hollie Cornes, a 25-year-old military dog handler in the UK.

Despite her incredible resilience, Angel still bore the physical and emotional scars of her past. Her face was disfigured, making it difficult for her to breathe. To address this issue, she underwent facial surgery before being adopted. Unfortunately, the procedure didn’t provide the desired relief, leading to further investigations.

In order to determine the root cause of Angel’s breathing difficulties, she needed a CT scan. However, this lifesaving procedure came with a hefty price tag. Hollie took to Angel’s Instagram to appeal for help. Astonishingly, a kind-hearted lady on Instagram swiftly donated the full amount of £2,500, a true act of compassion.

The CT scan revealed that scar tissue had formed inside Angel’s nose, closing it off completely except for a tiny 2mm hole through which she could breathe. To alleviate her struggle, Angel had to undergo another surgery. Hollie didn’t hesitate to make this choice, as she always wanted the best for her beloved companion.

Once again, the cost of the operation posed a financial challenge. Hollie turned to Angel’s Instagram followers for support. With an incredible following of 31K people, Angel and Hollie managed to raise over $6,000 through Angel’s GoFundMe page in just a few days. This overwhelming response showcased the power of their loving community.

Hollie expressed her gratitude, acknowledging that without the generosity and support of their dedicated followers, the surgery would have been unaffordable. In total, the expenses amounted to approximately £7,500. Thanks to the unwavering love of Angel’s followers, this financial burden became a surmountable obstacle, ensuring Angel’s continued journey to recovery.

Angel’s story is a testament to the resilience of animals and the boundless compassion of people. Together, we can overcome even the most challenging circumstances and give voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. Let us celebrate Angel’s triumphs and continue to support her and her loving owner on their inspiring journey.