When his wife didn’t win a beauty contest, this husband reacted in the craziest way possible. Everyone was in complete shock at the man’s erratic movements and harsh actions as he took the stage, and what he did to the winner’s crown transformed this tranquil beauty pageant into an unforgettable evening.

His potent lie was impossible to conceal.

When his wife, Nathally Becker, was selected as the first runner-up in an LGBTQIAP+ beauty contest in Brazil, the upset husband took the stage to protest and interrupt the crowning of the winner, Emannuelly Belini.

He was seen in a viral video snapping at the sparkling tiara that was ready to be placed on Belini’s head and violently tossing it to the stage floor in a fit of rage. In addition to picking up the crown, he then violently threw it to the ground again, which caused the tiara to break into pieces.

After the event, the irate husband—whose name has not been revealed—tried to take his wife from the platform. The pageant security staff, however, acted quickly to step in and quickly transport him backstage.

Grace and elegance are key components of beauty pageants.

The pageant coordinator afterwards released a statement addressing the situation in response to the furious outburst. It declared that the pageant’s judges had carried out a fair assessment, which resulted in Belini being duly crowned as queen.

The coordinator also criticized Becker’s husband’s irrational actions, stressing that such cruel conduct was unacceptable.

We adore beauty pageants and find them to be so inspirational, despite the fact that this one had an unexpected ending. Additionally, a recent Miss England finalist bravely chose to compete without any makeup, demonstrating that natural beauty is more radiant.