On December 31st, 2020, Derrick Stone was almost two months old when he spent the night at a relative’s house. Although Alexandria Bowerman, his mother, was aware of safe sleep practices due to attending baby classes, her family members were not aware of potential dangers.

In the morning of January 1st, 2021, she received the heartbreaking news that her baby boy had passed away during the night. It was not until two months later that the mother discovered that the pillows on the bed had led to her baby’s suffocation.

Now, as a hospitality worker, Alexandria shares heart-wrenching videos online to warn others about the dangers of unsafe sleep for infants.

Recalling her own experience, Alexandria, from Knoxville, Tennessee in the US, said that she had let her son stay at a family member’s house for the night in order to take some time for herself to refresh as she was exhausted as a new mom. She had dropped him off with everything he needed, including his safe sleep cot.

However, her son was not placed down to sleep safely but was instead put in an adult-sized bed with his head on a pillow, which is already a risk for suffocation. As a result, he rolled over in his sleep and suffocated on the adult mattress. Alexandria received a call the following morning that her son had passed away, less than 12 hours after she had dropped him off.

In shock, she was desperately calling 911 and the children’s hospital, hoping that her son could be revived.

Alexandria later learned that if the fire department determines that there is no pulse, they will not rush an ambulance to the scene. In a daze, she was confused and kept asking what had happened.

She couldn’t bring herself to drive over and instead waited until the evening to go to the house. Two months later, an investigator showed her pictures of the scene where her son had passed away, revealing that there were pillows on the bed.

Alexandria suspects that there was more going on, but if anyone knew, they did not have the heart to tell her. Despite her tragic loss, Alexandria feels that her child is watching over her from heaven and motivating her.

Alexandria recounted that she used to cry every single day, during her commute to work, at work, on the way home, and when she got home. She struggled with denial for a long time and found it particularly hard to accept her son’s passing since he was her first and only child.

As a new mom, Alexandria had sought resources to help her, attending baby classes and becoming aware of safe sleep early on.

She had also been diligent in putting up the crib and spending time playing and doing tummy time with her son on his play mat. Alexandria fondly remembered the moment when her son was laid on her chest, and he had looked up at her, making eye contact.

‘It’s important for me to educate others about safe sleep practices and the potential risks that come with not following them.

‘If I can save one baby’s life, it’s worth it.

‘I also want to encourage other moms to speak up about their needs. It’s okay to ask for help, to take a break, and to prioritize your mental health.

‘We need to support each other as moms and make sure we’re all doing everything we can to keep our babies safe.’