Would you believe that even the first couple on Earth, Adam and Eve, couldn’t escape a good joke? Let’s take a look at one hilarious story that will surely bring a smile to your face!

Adam found himself feeling incredibly lonely in the Garden of Eden. He longed for someone to talk to and share his days with. Sensing his loneliness, God approached Adam and asked him what was troubling him.

With a sigh, Adam confessed that he had nobody to converse with. Moved by his plea, God promised to create a companion for Adam – a woman. But God had more in store for Adam than just a companion.

“This beautiful lady will not only keep you company,” God explained, “but she will also gather food for you, cook delicious meals, and even wash your clothes when you find them! She will always support your decisions without any nagging. And whenever you two have a disagreement, she will be the first to admit she was wrong. Isn’t that amazing?”

But God didn’t stop there. He continued, describing all the incredible qualities of this woman. “She will not only praise you, but she will also bear your children. And the best part is, she will never ask you to wake up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will be an endless source of love and passion whenever you need it.”

Curious about the catch, Adam hesitated before finally asking, “What will a woman like this cost me, God?”

God smiled and replied, “Well, for such a remarkable companion, I’ll have to remove an arm and a leg.”

Adam pondered for a moment and then jokingly asked, “Well, what can I get for just a rib?”

Isn’t that a witty twist on the story of Adam and Eve? If this brought a smile to your face, go ahead and share it with your loved ones on Facebook. Laughter is contagious, and who knows, you might brighten someone’s day with this funny tale from the Garden of Eden.