Deciding to remove a loved one from life support can be an incredibly difficult decision, especially when the prognosis is grim. Ryan Finley found himself in this painful position when his wife Jill slipped into a coma. Ryan did everything he could to save her, performing CPR and praying for her recovery.

Despite the bleak outlook, Ryan refused to give up on Jill. Paramedics arrived just in time to resuscitate her and rush her to the Oklahoma Heart Hospital. There, she received treatment with a specialist cooling suit to protect her brain from further damage caused by oxygen deprivation, but she remained in an unconscious state.

The medical staff delivered a grim diagnosis, and Ryan was asked to consider withdrawing Jill’s life support. In his diary, Ryan expressed the agony of having to make this heartbreaking decision. Ultimately, he weighed Jill’s desires and made the painful choice to let her go, ending her suffering.

As the family gathered to say their final goodbyes, the life support machine was turned off. The doctors warned them that Jill’s passing would not be immediate because of a phenomenon known as the “final rally.” To everyone’s surprise, Jill began murmuring and expressed her wish to visit her favorite Mexican restaurants, Ted’s or Melting Pot, before asking her husband to take her away.

Ryan, saddened but hopeful, held on to his faith that Jill would pull through. Remarkably, his optimism paid off. Jill not only survived but also underwent heart surgery and a lengthy recovery. Finally, she was able to breathe independently for the first time.

Although Jill had no recollection of her coma period, she did face challenges with her short-term memory and had difficulty pronouncing certain words and phrases. But her miraculous recovery was the result of cutting-edge medical technology, and the unwavering support and hope from her family.

Jill’s story is a testament to her resilience and determination. Despite the hardships she faced, she was given a second chance at life after overcoming the coronavirus and losing her husband and sister to the virus. Now 65 years old, Jill cherishes every moment and values her time with her loved ones more than ever. Having witnessed the battle against cancer, she no longer takes anything for granted.

Watch the inspiring video below to learn more about Jill’s extraordinary journey. And don’t forget to share her story with your friends and family on Facebook. Let Jill’s story serve as a reminder to appreciate the gift of life and the strength of the human spirit.