While treasure hunting may be a pastime for some, others have turned it into a full-time profession. These individuals scour through people’s homes, garages, and basements in search of valuable items. They even bid on storage units containing unclaimed goods, never knowing what they may come across. Although they may end up with nothing at times, other instances yield incredible discoveries.

Several years ago, Anton Lulgjuraj embarked on his quest of purchasing old storage units in New York State. While he has yet to stumble upon anything life-changing, he did come across a wallet on one occasion, which proved to be newsworthy.

Upon purchasing a storage unit, Anton was surprised to find a collection of items that belonged to an Air Force pilot. However, it was a small locker that really piqued his interest. Inside, he found a worn-out wallet that belonged to a woman named Diane Hall. Along with a California driver’s license from the late 1960s, he discovered an actor’s equity card and a handful of old photographs. Intrigued, Anton became curious about the wallet’s owner and set out to learn more and possibly locate her.

After conducting some research on the internet, Anton discovered that Diane Hall was actually the well-known actress Diane Keaton. Wanting to return the wallet to its rightful owner, Anton reached out to her but received no response until his story gained media attention. “I think anyone who loses a wallet always hopes that one day they’ll get it back,” Anton stated. “So, it’s great to see it happen.”