Eliana Rodriguez, a 29-year-old mother, recently gave birth to her second child, Sebastian. Throughout her pregnancy, Rodriguez faced comments and jokes about her “big” baby bump. However, she refused to succumb to pregnancy stigma and embraced her body’s natural changes.

Despite the hurtful comments, Rodriguez’s pregnancy was healthy, and both she and her baby were in excellent condition. She addressed the concerns about her belly size by explaining that she had larger pregnancies, with both her children weighing 8.3 pounds at birth. Her 3-year-old daughter, Sofia, was 19.5 inches long, while her new baby was 20.5 inches. Rodriguez reassured everyone that her family was doing great.

Rodriguez acknowledged that while she could ignore Instagram trolls, dealing with nosy individuals in person was more challenging. However, she remained polite and never responded rudely to their curiosity. She simply stated, “Yes, I am huge, and it’s hard.”

As a business entrepreneur in Las Vegas, specializing in health and wellness, Rodriguez wondered why her belly was bigger than other women’s. Her doctors explained that it was normal for her due to her height of just 4’11” and a shorter torso. She started showing her pregnancy two months ago and was excited to share her joy with others, especially since she and her partner had been trying for a second child and hoped for a boy.

During her pregnancy, Rodriguez carried a higher amount of amniotic fluid, which is usually a protective measure for the baby. While excess fluid, known as polyhydramnios, can sometimes be problematic, Rodriguez’s doctors confirmed that she did not have this condition. They carefully monitored the baby’s size and fluid levels.

Dr. Kiarra King, an OBGYN based in Chicago, Illinois, explained that there are other causes for a large belly during pregnancy, such as maternal diabetes, fetal structural anomalies, maternal obesity, or a separation of abdominal muscles known as Diastasis Recti. Fortunately, Rodriguez did not experience any of these complications.

During her journey, Rodriguez emphasized the importance of refraining from making pregnancy- and body-shaming remarks. She urged everyone to be mindful of the impact such comments can have, especially on women experiencing prenatal or postpartum depression. As a religious woman, she expressed sympathy for those who use cruel words and understood that some people may lack empathy for others.

Let’s learn from Eliana Rodriguez’s story and celebrate the beauty of all pregnant bodies. Pregnancy is a unique experience for each woman, and it’s crucial to support and uplift one another instead of making hurtful remarks.