A recent sighting in the Mississippi River has left many people amazed and intrigued. A colossal snapping turtle was spotted by Shala Holm from Buffalo, Minnesota, during a kayaking trip with her daughter. The encounter was truly extraordinary, and Shala managed to capture a remarkable photograph of the creature.

Shala’s story has spread like wildfire, with the photograph going viral across the globe. People from all walks of life are captivated by the image, which shows the turtle’s massive claws reaching for a net full of fish. Its Godzilla-like head stands out, revealing its impressive size compared to other turtles.

The unforgettable moment took place during Shala’s family vacation at Niemeyer’s Rugged River Resort near Brainerd. While kayaking with her daughter, they heard something breathing and, to their surprise, discovered the enormous turtle near their kayak. The turtle was trying to reach the fish basket hanging from their kayak, using its strong claws.

In an attempt to protect themselves, Shala shook the basket and managed to scare the turtle away. Intrigued and determined to capture a photo, mother and daughter returned the next day. They patiently fished until the giant turtle reappeared, allowing them to snap the incredible shot.

The close proximity of the kayak to the water provided Shala and her daughter with a unique perspective. They estimated the turtle’s legs to be as thick as Shala’s wrists. Adult snapping turtles usually measure between 8 and 14 inches and weigh between 10 and 35 pounds. The largest turtle ever documented in Minnesota weighed an astounding 65 pounds, highlighting the immense size these creatures can reach.

Once Shala shared the photograph with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), interest in the turtle skyrocketed. The DNR estimated that the turtle could be between 15 and 30 years old. The photo was posted on the resort’s Facebook page by the owners, Corby and Sheila Niemeyer, and it quickly went viral, receiving thousands of shares and comments. Sheila reassured everyone that the image was genuine.

Niemeyer’s Rugged River Resort, nestled on the tranquil stretch of the Mississippi River, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. Guests have the opportunity to witness the wonders of nature up close and personal. The resort owners thoroughly enjoy observing turtles coming ashore to lay their eggs in June, viewing it as a special event.

Sheila wants to assure potential visitors that encountering the large turtle is not a cause for concern. The river is home to a variety of creatures that generally keep their distance from humans. She hopes that the attention generated by the viral post will encourage more people to visit the resort and appreciate the abundant wildlife and natural beauty of the area.

Erica Hoaglund, a wildlife specialist with the Minnesota DNR, explained that snapping turtles are often misunderstood due to their intimidating appearance and defensive reactions. However, they pose no real danger to humans. These turtles are most comfortable in water and will only display aggressive behavior on land if they feel threatened. In reality, they prefer to avoid encounters and will usually hide or flee if given the chance.

Shala Holm, who encountered the massive turtle, holds no fear of it. On the contrary, she plans to return to the resort, hoping to reunite with this impressive reptile. She can’t wait to revisit the spot next year and see if the turtle is still around.

So, what are your thoughts? Would you be willing to take a swim in that river? Share your opinions in the comments below!