Twin pregnancies are rare, but there has been a 72% increase in the likelihood of having twins between 1980 and 2018. Out of every 1,000 births, approximately 33 are twins. However, the chances of having identical twins are even lower, averaging only three to four pairs out of 1,000 births. So, it is safe to say that identical twins are quite uncommon.

Savannah Combs, a 23-year-old woman from Middleburg, Florida, was overjoyed when she discovered she was expecting twins. However, her excitement turned to concern when she learned that both of her babies would be born with Down syndrome – a condition that is also rare in twins. Despite the challenging news, Savannah and her husband, Justin Ackerman, embraced their children and saw their uniqueness as something special.

In the face of judgement from society, Savannah finds solace in the fact that her twins are extraordinary. She lovingly refers to them as her “little gems” and cherishes every moment with them.

Savannah documented her postpartum journey with her twin daughters, Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman, on TikTok. The videos quickly gained popularity and touched the hearts of many. In one of her videos, Savannah revealed that she had been advised to consider abortion due to the challenges her children might face. However, she made the courageous decision to give them a chance at life.

To Savannah, every prenatal appointment that confirmed her babies were alive was a blessing. Unfortunately, her husband was away at boot camp when they discovered that both twins had Down syndrome. Despite the difficulties, Savannah remained resilient.

On May 12, 2021, Savannah gave birth to Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman, identical twin daughters who had to spend a few weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) because they were born premature at 29 weeks.

Savannah explained that her twins were “mono di twins,” meaning they each had their own sacs but shared the same placenta, making them identical. This type of twin occurrence, combined with Down syndrome, is incredibly rare, with odds of one in 2 million.

Despite their uncommon condition, Savannah views her daughters as any other children. They have feelings, beating hearts, and the ability to learn and grow. Savannah firmly believes that, with determination and support, her girls will thrive. She describes them as feisty and happy little individuals who will achieve their milestones at their own pace.

Savannah continues to share wonderful updates of her daughters’ progress on TikTok, inspiring others with her positive outlook. She aims to show the world that her twins are just like anyone else, and they will succeed as long as they put their minds to it.

Unfortunately, some people have chosen to be critical and cruel towards Savannah and her family. Despite facing hurtful comments on social media, Savannah handles them with grace and strength. In response to one particularly harsh remark, she writes, “Good thing they weren’t born to you and were born to me. God knew what he was doing by giving these babies to the right parents who would love them regardless.”

Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman are truly beautiful girls, and anyone who suggests otherwise is being cruel. Savannah’s story is a touching tale of unconditional love and acceptance. Please share this heartwarming journey on Facebook and spread the word about these amazing twins.