As we get older, having family around to lend a helping hand is wonderful. However, most of us also wish to maintain our independence and live in the comfort of our own home. This was exactly the wish of Merle, an elderly woman who moved back to Victoria, Australia to be closer to her family. Thankfully, her daughter Ferne, a talented tiny house designer, took up the challenge of creating a mobility-friendly home for her aging mother.

Ferne has designed many homes, but this one was extra special. It was all for Mom. The result is a stunning 23.5 x 8 ft tiny home that meets all of Merle’s needs. The house features wide entrances with ramps, making it super accessible and easy for Merle to move around. Even the kitchen countertops were designed at Merle’s height for her convenience.

Ferne thought of everything when it came to the design. The walls are reinforced with handrails, ensuring that Merle can maintain her balance. And in case the need ever arises, the beautiful patio can be easily dismantled for a future move or sale. But with the breathtaking views of the farm surrounding the home, it’s hard to imagine ever wanting to leave.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, this home provides practical features to ensure Merle’s comfort and safety. The roof and walls are well-insulated to keep the winters cozy. Screens have been installed to keep insects at bay, and the main entrance screen is even motorized for Merle’s convenience.

Ferne also involved Merle in the interior design process, allowing her to choose colors and designs that truly make this home feel like her own. The timber look adds to the open and spacious feel of the home. Underfloor heating has been installed, as Ferne understands the importance of warmth for elderly individuals.

One of the coolest features of the home is Merle’s bed. With just a push of a button, it can be lifted to the ceiling during the daytime, creating more space. The motor runs on a 12-volt battery, cleverly hidden in the walls. Cabinets and drawers have been strategically placed for easy access, making navigation with a walker stress-free for Merle.

Merle is overwhelmed with gratitude for the home her daughter has created for her. It truly is the best present she has ever received. Ferne’s design is not only practical, but also captivating, allowing Merle to move around in style. Both Merle and Ferne agree that everything about the house is perfect – and we couldn’t agree more.

Watch the video below for a full tour of Merle’s brilliantly-designed granny pad! Don’t forget to share this heartwarming story with your loved ones.