Everybody has age spots, often known as brown spots, on their skin. You will have brown patches on your body, whether they be on your hands, legs, arms, shoulders, or face. These huge, brown splotches are a clear indication of aging since they proliferate as we get older. For this reason, they are also known as age spots.

We have excellent news for you if you don’t like how these age spots appear and want to get rid of them. There is a simple procedure you may do to get rid of brown age spots on your skin, and it only calls for two substances! They’re most likely in your kitchen right now.

However, where do brown spots originate? Is there a way to stop them without having to use this two-ingredient fix first?

Absolutely. Continue reading to find out why you have so many age spots, if they are harmful to your health, and additional strategies for getting rid of and preventing them.

What Causes Age Spots?

You may have unsightly dark patches on your skin for a number of reasons, but excessive exposure to sunshine and UV rays is by far the main one. This might result from spending a lot of time outdoors (particularly without sunscreen) or from using tanning beds, which expose users to very high UV levels.

Our bodies produce melanin more rapidly the more sunshine and UV rays we are exposed to. Melanin, which is produced naturally by our bodies in reaction to sunshine, causes tanning and skin darkening.

Our beach tans will fade with time, but portions of our bodies that have been exposed to UV rays for an extended period of time will still have some brown spots. This indicates that the melanin in these regions was hyperactive, resulting in unattractive age spots.

Are Age Spots Risky?

They can be, and that’s a terrifying fact. Although not all brown spots are malignant, there are a few indicators you should watch out for:

If some areas are noticeably darker than others
If the border surrounding them is quirky
If they’re continuously developing or altering
If they are delicate or red
See your doctor or dermatologist right once if you have any of these symptoms in conjunction with your brown patches. Regular self-examinations are the most effective technique to monitor this.

Concerned or anxious about the condition of your spots? Try using the “ABCDE’s of Melanoma” test to check for age spots. If you want to know if any of your locations could be dangerous, ask yourself each of these questions.

How Can Brown Spots Be Removed?

Fortunately, there is a quick and easy approach to lessen the visibility of age spots on your skin!

It’s a straightforward juice recipe that only needs two staple items and a short amount of your time. Watch the video below to find out more about this treatment and the reasons it works so well on age spots.

The author of Quantum Paleo, Doug Willen, is credited with this remedy, which is very effective in eradicating age spots. Which two elements are required? cider vinegar with onion juice.

It has been shown that onion juice may help fade skin scars. Antioxidants found in onions aid in the battle against free radicals, particularly in the top layers of skin.

Alpha hydroxy acids, which are included in apple cider vinegar, aid in the removal of dead skin cells. You’ll witness new, flawless skin in no time thanks to these two restorative components.

Anti-Age Spot Combination


Put a freshly chopped onion in a Ziploc bag.
The onion should be ground using a blunt object before being added to a blender.
Until smooth, blend the onion with 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar.
Apply the solution with a cotton ball to your areas every day. Perform this for 2-4 weeks, or until you start to notice benefits.
While there may not be an immediate fix for your age spots, there is an all-natural, cheap, and straightforward fix that is not only practical but also EXTREMELY successful. Even though it can take a few weeks, maintaining this pattern will only lead to good things.

Can Age Spots Be Prevented?

No and yes! We are going to be exposed to the light somehow unless we lock ourselves inside our houses forever (which we do not suggest…at all).

Being mindful of how much time we spend outdoors is the greatest way to prevent age spots from becoming widespread, huge, or harmful. When you can, wear long sleeves and long trousers to protect yourself from the sun, and ALWAYS, ALWAYS apply sunscreen.

even when it is cold. even if you simply spend a minute jogging outdoors. WEAR A SUNSHIELD.

Avoid intense UV lights as well, such as those found in tanning beds. While giving you the tan you want, these beds are quite damaging to your skin.

As usual, be sure to see your doctor immediately away if you see any alarming age spots. Stay safe and be informed about your brown spots!