In an exclusive interview with “Good Morning America,” Pat Sajak, the beloved host of “Wheel of Fortune,” opened up about his recent health scare and how he nearly lost his life. Just a month after undergoing emergency surgery for a blocked bowel, Sajak shared his harrowing experience, leaving fans both worried and relieved.

It all began in November when Sajak was out for a morning stroll with his daughter. Suddenly, he was hit with excruciating pain that left him doubled over. Hours later, he found himself lying on the hospital bed, feeling helpless and in unbearable agony. Medications meant to alleviate his suffering were ineffective, leaving him on the brink of despair.

But then came a turning point. The doctors provided him with a medicine that miraculously took away his pain. As the discomfort faded away, Sajak experienced an astonishingly beautiful moment. Colors danced before his eyes, and he could faintly hear the voices of his wife and daughter. It was a surreal experience that made him question his very existence. In that instant, he thought, “This must be death. This must be how death feels.”

In that moment of profound vulnerability, Sajak’s main concern was for his loved ones. He feared the impact his potential loss would have on his wife and children. Little did he know, his worries would soon be replaced with laughter.

As it turned out, Sajak wasn’t on the brink of death. The intense experience he had was simply a result of the medication he was given. Looking back, he fondly admits, “It turns out that I was merely high.” With his trademark humor, Sajak found solace in the fact that his procedure was a resounding success.

Sajak’s doctors found no underlying cause for the intestinal blockage, which means he doesn’t have to make any significant lifestyle changes. He’s been feeling fantastic in recent weeks and has even made a triumphant return to the studio, hosting “Wheel of Fortune” with his usual flair. Even the famous wheel-spinning doesn’t faze him anymore. Everything seems to be back on track.

During his recovery, Vanna White, Sajak’s longstanding co-host, gracefully stepped in to keep the show running smoothly. And although Sajak jokes that White might take over his role as the primary host, it’s clear that he is still deeply committed to his role on “Wheel of Fortune.” He shared, “I’m still on my guard,” demonstrating his unwavering dedication to the show.

Pat Sajak’s recent brush with death serves as a reminder that even the strongest individuals face moments of vulnerability. Fortunately, he emerged from the experience with renewed appreciation for his loved ones and an infectious sense of humor. As fans, we can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Sajak is back and ready to spin the wheel once more.