For cooking enthusiasts, a well-functioning oven is indispensable. Yet, constant use leads to the accumulation of grease and grime. Fortunately, there are natural and eco-friendly strategies to restore your oven’s sparkle without relying on harsh chemicals. Here are six easy and effective cleaning tricks to make your oven look as good as new:

1. Newspaper Technique: An Unexpected Solution

Believe it or not, newspapers can do more than just inform you. They can also be an effective tool for cleaning your oven.

Procedure: Once you have finished reading the paper, lightly dampen a page and use it to scrub the inside of your oven. This method is quick, easy, and surprisingly effective at removing dirt and grime.

2. Marseille Soap Solution: Harnessing the Power of Purity

Marseille soap, known for its purity and cleaning properties, can be utilized beyond personal care and laundry.

Procedure: Dissolve Marseille soap in water to create a cleaning solution. Dip a sponge or dish brush into this mixture and scrub your oven racks and interiors. This method effectively cuts through grease and baked-on residues, leaving your oven looking fresh and new.

3. Baking Soda Paste: A Natural De-Greaser

Baking soda is a versatile and natural cleaning agent, and it can work wonders on your oven.

Procedure: Create a paste by mixing baking soda with water. Apply this paste to the interior of your oven, paying extra attention to areas with stubborn grease stains. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight, then scrub away the grime with a sponge or brush. The baking soda paste will help dissolve the grease, leaving your oven looking clean and fresh.

4. Vinegar and Water Spray: A Simple, Yet Effective Combination

Vinegar is a natural cleaning agent that can help eliminate grease and odors from your oven.

Procedure: Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture onto the interior of your oven and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, scrub away the grease using a sponge or brush. Vinegar’s acidic properties will help break down the grease, making it easier to remove.

5. Lemon and Salt Scrub: A Fresh Citrus Twist

Lemons are not only great for adding flavor to your meals; they are also effective at cutting through grease and leaving a fresh scent.

Procedure: Cut a lemon in half and dip one half in salt. Use the lemon as a scrubber on the surfaces of your oven, focusing on areas with stubborn grease stains. The acidity of the lemon combined with the abrasive salt will help remove grease and leave your oven smelling fresh and clean.

6. Steam Cleaning: The Power of Water

Steam cleaning can be an effective method for deep cleaning and degreasing your oven.

Procedure: Fill a heat-safe dish with water and place it in the bottom of your oven. Preheat the oven to a high temperature, around 400°F (200°C) or higher. As the water heats up, it will produce steam that helps loosen and dissolve grease and grime. After the oven has cooled down, use a sponge or cloth to wipe away the loosened dirt.

By using these natural and eco-friendly cleaning tricks, you can degrease your very dirty oven and make it look like new again. So, don’t let grease and grime build up in your oven any longer – give it the care it deserves and enjoy cooking in a clean and sparkling oven!