There is a good reason why optical illusions are so popular worldwide. Who doesn’t enjoy playing with perception, right? It’s fun and baffling to see something that others can easily perceive, yet it completely eludes us.

Well, here’s a picture that has been circulating online, leaving people scratching their heads in search of an explanation. Let’s see if you are one of the lucky few who can perceive what others cannot.

At first glance, this image appears to be perplexing and challenging to understand. But that’s the beauty of these optical puzzles. Once you figure them out, you can’t be tricked by them again.

So, what do you see in this image? A frog? A horse? Maybe both?

If you can only see the frog or the horse, we have an interesting revelation for you. Both of them are actually present in the picture, but they may not be immediately distinguishable.

Almost everyone can spot the frog, but the horse is a bit tricker. Take a closer look.

The Horse

Still can’t see it? No worries, we’ll give you a hint. The image doesn’t show the entire horse, just its head and neck.

Found it?

Still no? Okay, let’s look over by the lily pad – it has a rather odd texture, don’t you think?

Still haven’t found it? Well, here’s the trick – the frog’s body is the horse’s head. Remember that and give it another try. Good luck!

Did you manage to spot both the horse and the frog without any help? If so, why not share this post on Facebook and challenge your friends and family to see if they can do it too? It’ll be a fun little challenge for everyone!

And just to add to the fun, here’s a video that explains more about optical illusions. Enjoy!