Elizabeth Taylor, an actress hailing from the United States, was a true icon of old Hollywood nobility. With her stunning beauty, captivating violet eyes, and irresistible on-screen charisma, she was one of the most sought-after actors of her time. Whenever people thought of a Hollywood actress, her name immediately came to mind.

But Elizabeth Taylor’s life was not just about her successful career. Her personal life was widely publicized, especially her relationships. She was famously involved with Richard Burton, her lover and co-star in several films such as ‘Cleopatra,’ ‘The Taming of the Shrew,’ and ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’ It was through these films that Taylor delivered some of her most acclaimed performances.

Despite the ups and downs in her romantic relationships, Taylor finally found the family she had always longed for. She had eight marriages in total, two of which were with Richard Burton. Taylor had four children with her second husband, Michael Wilding Jr. and Christopher Edward Wilding; Liza Todd with her third husband, Mike Todd; and Maria Burton, whom she adopted during her fifth marriage to Richard Burton. Even after her passing, Elizabeth Taylor will always be remembered by her four children and ten grandchildren.

Now, as Taylor’s grandchildren have grown into adults, they often reflect on their cherished memories of their late grandmother and who she truly was. Let’s meet her beloved grandchildren:

  • Taylor’s son Michael has three children: Naomi Wilding, Laela Wilding, and Tarquin Wilding.
  • Christopher has Caleb Wilding, Andrew Wilding, and Lowell Wilding.
  • Liza Todd has Quinn Tivey and Rhys Tivey.
  • Maria has Eliza Carson and Richard McKeown.

It is worth mentioning that Quinn, who bears a striking resemblance to his late grandmother, shares a close bond with her. Both Quinn and Elizabeth Taylor possessed the most mesmerizing eyes and shared a passion for helping those in need. Quinn’s mother, Liza Todd, fondly remembers their intimate moments together, watching movies and engaging in heartfelt conversations.

Taylor’s role as a grandmother meant the world to her, despite her beauty, successful career, political activism, and eventful personal life. Her deep love for her family was the most important thing to her. Her grandkids, who have all reached adulthood, now reflect on their fondest memories of her.

Elizabeth Taylor’s impact extended beyond her immediate family. Through her involvement in activism, she hoped to spread a message of optimism and fight for causes she believed in. She was particularly passionate about raising awareness for HIV/AIDS when others were not acknowledging its seriousness. In response, she founded the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation (ETAF) in 1991 and the American Foundation for AIDS Research in 1985. Her entire family continues to actively engage in these foundations to honor her advocacy and dedication to the cause.

Quinn, Elizabeth Taylor’s grandson, has stepped up to carry on her legacy. In addition to running ETAF, he serves as an official, ambassador, and co-trustee of her estate. Quinn believes that his grandmother would be proud to see her foundation thriving, enlightening lawmakers, dispelling falsehoods, reducing stigma, and fighting for the rights of those affected by HIV/AIDS.

With the ‘HIV Is Not A Crime’ project, Quinn is working to change laws on a state-by-state basis, aligning them with current scientific knowledge. Just like his grandmother, he remains steadfast in standing up for what he believes in and ensuring the interests of the people are served.

As we remember Elizabeth Taylor, it is evident that her grandchildren, both inwardly and outwardly beautiful, are embracing her legacy and ensuring that her memory lives on.