
Have you ever been so frustrated with someone’s actions that you just couldn’t take it anymore? Well, that’s exactly how a woman in this next story felt. She was tired of her husband constantly coming home late, so she decided to play a little prank on him.

One day, when her husband was late again, the woman couldn’t contain her exasperation any longer. She scribbled a note, stating that she had finally had enough and left him. She left the note on the dresser and then hid under the bed, eager to see his reaction.

As she waited in anticipation, she could hear her husband’s footsteps approaching the bedroom. He picked up the note from the dresser and started reading it. The woman’s heart raced as she wondered what he would do next.

After a few moments, her husband sat down and wrote something on the note. Curiosity got the better of her, but she couldn’t see what he had written from her hiding spot. She watched as he picked up the phone and made a call. The words he spoke left her stunned.

“He’s finally gone… Yeah, I know, about bloody time. I’m coming to see you. Put on that se./xy French nightie. I love you… Can’t wait to see you… We’ll do all the nau.ghty things you like.”

As her husband hung up the phone, he grabbed his keys and left the house. She heard the sound of his car driving away as she emerged from the hiding place beneath the bed. Rage boiled within her, and tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She grabbed the note, desperate to see what her husband had written.

To her astonishment, the note contained a simple message: “I can see your feet. We’re outta bread: be back in five minutes.”

This clever husband had seen his wife’s prank coming all along and turned the tables on her with his witty response. It was a lighthearted reminder that sometimes, things are not always as they seem.

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