In his daily walks along the picturesque lane known as “The Cobbles,” George Dunnett stumbled upon an abandoned small stone cottage. Memories of his childhood flooded his mind, and he couldn’t resist the idea of reviving this forgotten gem. Little did he know that this decision would lead him on a remarkable journey towards his dream home.

Discovering the Stone Cottage

Located in the Cobbles, this small stone cottage had an air of mystery surrounding it. No one knew who had lived there or what stories it held within its walls. Next to it stood a cottage that had been transformed into a museum, honoring the renowned poet Michael Bruce from the 1700s. The third structure was a tired-looking two-story stone cottage, once used for storage, but now left abandoned for half a century.

The Decision to Restore

As George passed by this neglected stone cottage during his daily walks, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that it deserved a new lease on life. The idea of transforming it into his dream home was too enticing to resist. With unwavering determination, he decided to purchase the dilapidated structure and dive headfirst into the restoration process.

From Ruin to Radiance

The stone cottage was in dire need of a complete overhaul. Stripped of its former glory, it was left with rough walls, broken floors, an unusable sliding door, and a staircase that had to be removed. George knew that a lot of structural work lay ahead before he could even think about choosing curtains.

Undeterred by the challenges, George and his team embarked on the journey of restoration. Brick and cement were used to restore the original fireplaces, breathing warmth back into the cottage. The bedroom window frame received a new brick stack, followed by raising the ceiling to create more space.

Once the ground and mud floor were repaired with concrete and insulation was installed, George noticed an immediate difference in the cottage’s coziness. It was a welcome respite during the cold January weather.

The Roofing Revelation

Inspecting the roof revealed a grave situation that demanded attention. George had to invest in scaffolding and repairs to rectify the issues. The stonework was repointed, giving the cottage a new lease on life.

Taking Shape Inside

With the structural challenges overcome, the stone cottage began to take shape. The installation of insulation was a turning point, making it feel more like a natural home. Plasterboard added a finished look to the interior, allowing George to envision the future functions of each room.

Adding a touch of his personal style, George and his mother painted the walls and trim white, creating a light and cheery atmosphere throughout. To add interest, they incorporated blue-gray accent walls in the bathroom and bedroom.

Aesthetic Appeal and Final Touches

The transformation gained momentum with the addition of oak flooring, enhancing the cottage’s overall aesthetic appeal. A local blacksmith installed a metal stair railing, adding a touch of elegance to the interior. Simultaneously, George’s father laid the final cobblestones outside, perfectly complementing the cottage’s exterior.

A Cozy Haven Inside

Inside, the stone cottage feels like a cozy haven. Adorned with old photos of the cottage, the bedroom exudes a minimalist yet elegant vibe, thanks to the low-down bed. The functional space under the windows serves as a small closet and cabinets.

The bathroom, despite its minimal design, boasts ample space, featuring a full shower, toilet, basin, mirror, and a frosted window. The oak staircase, complementing the hardwood flooring, leads to the kitchen on the second floor.

Under-cabinet lighting illuminates the generous counter space, sink, stove, and storage area. Adjacent to the kitchen is the living room, complete with a big-screen TV, a plush couch, and a beautiful tempered glass coffee table. The large window offers a delightful view of the hill and neighboring gardens.

A Dream Realized

George’s dedication to his craft and his prudent financial planning paid off. Using his savings from years of work as a video editor and running YouTube channels, he funded the entire restoration process, with only a small loan required. Overall, the restoration cost £157,844 ($196,278), including the purchase of the property.

Reflecting on his journey, George admits that he underestimated the time and effort required for the restoration. He fondly shares how his father skillfully laid the cobblestones and how each challenge was overcome, making the transformation all the more rewarding.

Embracing Future Projects

Filled with a newfound passion, George and his brother have set their sights on another neighboring fixer-upper. This time, he plans to take on the remodeling himself. The nearby stone cottage, although in need of some work, doesn’t seem as daunting as his first project.

Excited about honing his skills further, George looks forward to tackling all the joinery work and exploring his abilities.

Watch George Dunnett’s incredible journey from an old, dilapidated stone cottage to his dream home here!