William Shatner has publicly stated that he has a limited amount of time left to live.

In the forthcoming documentary “You Can Call Me Bill,” William Shatner, the esteemed captain from Star Trek, candidly discussed his mortality and shared that he approaches each day as if it could be his last.

Despite declining numerous documentary offers in the past, Shatner expressed his reasons for participating in this particular project during an interview with Variety. He revealed, “I don’t have long to live. Whether I pass away as we speak or a decade from now, my time is limited, and that is a significant factor. With grandchildren in my life, this documentary serves as a means to reach out even after I’m gone.”

Directed by Alexandre O. Philippe, the documentary is scheduled to premiere at the SXSW Film Festival in Texas. It offers fans an intimate glimpse into William Shatner’s personal life while showcasing significant milestones from his illustrious career. Notably, Shatner’s three daughters, Leslie, Lisabeth, and Melanie, are prominently featured in the documentary, which has proven to be an enlightening experience for the actor.

In discussing his approach to the documentary, Shatner expressed his desire to uncover fresh perspectives. He stated, “I’m striving to discover something I haven’t expressed before or to find new ways of articulating thoughts I’ve previously shared. This way, I can delve deeper into the truth I seek.”

Reflecting on the passage of time, Shatner shared a poignant sentiment: “It’s disheartening that as people age and accumulate wisdom, they eventually pass away, carrying all that knowledge with them.”

Shatner also emphasized that he holds no regrets, even regarding his choice to not attend the funeral of his dear friend and Star Trek co-star, Leonard Nimoy, despite facing criticism for it.

He explained, “When Leonard Nimoy passed away a few years ago, his funeral happened to coincide with a Red Cross fundraiser I had committed to attending at Mar-a-Lago. His death was unexpected, and I found myself in a difficult situation. Ultimately, I made the decision to honor my prior commitment and go to the fundraiser instead of the funeral.”

Shatner went on to assert that he believes good deeds have a lasting impact, stating, “While some may have disagreed with my choice, I firmly believe that acts of kindness and charity have a lasting legacy that transcends any particular event. Good deeds endure.”

In an interview with The Guardian some years ago, Shatner expressed immense joy in being a grandparent, highlighting it as a significant source of happiness for him. He described the pleasure he derives from spending quality time with his grandchildren, engaging in heartfelt conversations, and showering them with affectionate hugs and kisses. Shatner emphasized the importance of sharing the wisdom he has accumulated throughout his life with his grandchildren.

Furthermore, Shatner spoke about the all-encompassing nature of family life, noting that he regularly spends weekends with his daughters. He also mentioned their shared adventures, ranging from skiing trips to snorkeling excursions, as they create lasting memories together.

It is true that William Shatner has been married four times throughout his life. In recent times, he garnered attention when he reconciled with his fourth wife, Elizabeth, whom he divorced in 2019. Their divorce settlement was reported to be worth around $2 million. The reunion between Shatner and Elizabeth made headlines due to the significant financial settlement involved.