
Many of us may view bees as pesky creatures that disrupt our picnics, but the truth is, these tiny insects are slowly disappearing from our world. This is a critical issue because bees are responsible for providing food for 90 percent of the global population. Without them, our very existence would be threatened.

We don’t have to be environmental enthusiasts to understand the importance of preserving our planet. Each one of us can contribute to this cause, and it is our responsibility to do so for the sake of future generations. Even small actions can make a big difference when we work together.


Renowned zoologist and author, David Attenborough, is passionate about protecting our environment. You may recognize his voice from his work as a television presenter. He recently shared a sobering message on Facebook, stating, “If bees were to disappear from the face of the earth, humans would have just 4 years left to live.” While he is not the first person to express this concern, his post serves as a reminder that the threat is very real, and we must take it seriously.

Bees may be small and seemingly insignificant, but they play a vital role in our ecosystem. Almost one-third of the food we consume is pollinated by these remarkable creatures. However, in the past five years, the bee population has declined by one-third. The situation is dire, but there is hope.


David Attenborough suggests a simple way for each of us to contribute: create a sugar and water mixture and leave it in your backyard. This provides bees with the nourishment they need to survive. In their weary state, bees often lack the energy to return to their hive and can get swept away. By offering them this revitalizing solution, we can save exhausted bees and potentially save ourselves in the process.


To make the sugar and water solution, mix two tablespoons of white, granulated sugar with one tablespoon of water and place it on a spoon for the bee to find. Even sharing this information with others can raise awareness and help protect these essential pollinators.

Another way to support bees and promote thriving ecosystems is by planting flowers, even on your balcony or in a corner of your backyard. Local bees will greatly appreciate the abundant and diverse sources of nectar.


Bees can save our planet, and together, we have the power to make a difference. Let’s share this message and spread awareness about the importance of protecting bees and preserving our beautiful world.