A 3-year-old girl astonished everyone when she regained consciousness during her own funeral, challenging the premature declaration of her death due to a medical error.

Camila Roxana Martinez Mendoza’s family has accused the Salinas de Hidalgo Basic Community Hospital of negligence after mistakenly pronouncing the young girl dead.

The ordeal began when Camila’s mother, Mary Jane Mendoza, brought her to a pediatrician in their hometown of Villa de Ramos, as she was experiencing severe stomach pain, vomiting, and fever.

Recognizing the severity of the situation, the pediatrician referred them to a hospital in the central Mexican state of San Luis Potosí to address the dehydration issue.

Upon admission to the Salinas de Hidalgo Basic Community Hospital, medical staff employed measures such as using a cold towel to lower her body temperature and monitoring her oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter placed on one of her fingers.

After being discharged with a prescription for paracetamol to alleviate her pain and fever, Camila’s condition worsened as the day progressed. Another doctor examined her, advising her mother to provide her with fruits and water while prescribing a different medication.

Fearing for their daughter’s deteriorating condition, Camila’s concerned parents decided to seek further medical attention. Another doctor strongly advised them to take her to the emergency room immediately.

Between 9 and 10 p.m., Camila was readmitted to Salinas de Hidalgo Basic Community Hospital, where medical professionals diligently attended to her.

The process of administering intravenous therapy proved challenging as the medical team struggled to locate Camila’s delicate veins. After some time, a nurse successfully managed to secure an intravenous line and provide the necessary oxygen support.

Around 10 minutes later, the medical team decided to remove the intravenous line from the little girl, and she was taken to a separate area to rest. In a heartbreaking moment, Camila’s mother recalled, “She still was hugging me, they took her away and told me, ‘You have to let her rest in peace.’”

To add to the anguish, Mendoza was then inexplicably kept isolated from her ailing daughter in a locked room. Despite her attempts to gain access, she was unable to reach the room where Camila was being kept. Tragically, Camila was later pronounced dead due to dehydration.

The following day, a funeral viewing was arranged for friends and family to pay their respects to the beloved toddler. During the somber gathering, Mendoza noticed something unusual—a fogging of the glass window on Camila’s coffin.

Initially dismissed by others as a hallucination, mourners discouraged Mendoza from opening the coffin. However, Camila’s paternal grandmother, driven by curiosity, hurried to inspect the situation and was shocked to observe Camila’s eyes moving and, astonishingly, discovered that she still had a pulse.

After the shocking discovery at the funeral, Camila was immediately transported by ambulance back to Salinas de Hidalgo Basic Community Hospital. Despite the doctors’ desperate efforts to revive her, they were unable to succeed, and she was once again declared dead, this time due to cerebral edema, a condition characterized by brain swelling.

“That was truly the end for my baby,” expressed Mendoza, her voice filled with devastation. “We are shattered because my daughter was a joyous and loving person. She had a special bond with everyone she encountered; she treated everyone equally.” Mendoza also mentioned the support they received from numerous individuals in their community, as Camila was dearly cherished by all.

Tragically, the family had been eagerly preparing for Camila’s first day of kindergarten, which was scheduled to take place later that week. The sudden loss of their beloved daughter has undoubtedly left them in profound grief and heartbreak.

The initial death certificate issued to Camila’s parents stated that the cause of her death was solely dehydration. However, upon obtaining a second death certificate, it was revealed that the causes listed were dehydration, cerebral edema, and metabolic failure.

Mendoza, seeking justice for her daughter, expressed her desire for accountability. She emphasized that she harbors no personal animosity towards the doctors who made efforts to save Camila’s life under extreme circumstances. Her plea is for a change in medical staff, including doctors, nurses, and directors, to prevent such tragic incidents from happening again.

The heart-wrenching case has captured attention and is currently being investigated by Jose Luis Ruiz, the State Attorney General of San Luis Potosí. He confirmed that an autopsy is currently being conducted as part of the investigation process.