Beauty is often said to be only skin deep, but let’s take a moment to truly understand the wisdom behind those words. We have a tendency to judge others based on their outward appearance, but true beauty radiates from deep within a person’s soul.

In today’s digital age, beauty portrayed online is often limited to mere superficiality. Social media platforms regularly showcase images of ourselves, our friends, and our loved ones, inviting a chorus of judgement and scrutiny.

One mother, Natasha, regularly shares pictures of her son, Raedyn, on social media. Yet, unlike the warm responses many other mothers receive, Natasha often finds herself facing a hailstorm of negativity. Bullies and trolls seize the opportunity to spew hurtful comments her way.

Natasha refuses to be deterred. She firmly states that she will not stop sharing pictures of her son simply because he looks different. In her eyes, Raedyn is just as perfect as any other child, even if he doesn’t fit society’s conventional beauty standards.

It bewilders Natasha that so many people feel entitled to comment on her son’s appearance, questioning what’s “wrong” with him. While curiosity is natural, cruelty is not. You see, little Raedyn was born with Pfeiffer syndrome, a condition that causes deformities in his face, skull, and limbs. But his mother sees beyond these physical differences, which is why she proudly shares videos and pictures of him.

Unsurprisingly, the comments Natasha receives can be hurtful and malicious. People inquire about Raedyn’s quality of life or why someone would “make” him live with his condition. Yet, it’s not just online where insensitivity runs rampant. Natasha faces insensitive remarks in real life too. Strangers approach her in public, asking what’s “wrong” with her child or why he looks different.

These questions weigh heavy on Natasha’s heart, as she navigates the exhausting task of explaining her son’s health challenges and appearance time and time again. But she stands firm, asserting that Raedyn lives a life no different from any other child. Despite his distinctive looks, he is every bit as deserving of love and acceptance.

In her own words, Natasha shares, “He deserves life, he deserves acceptance – I will fight until my dying day for that.” She goes on to say, “What people need to understand is that I am just a mum and my son is just a baby. Our life doesn’t revolve around his diagnosis. We are just a normal family.”

Natasha’s hope is for a future where disabled individuals are embraced and not judged solely based on their appearance or abilities. She prays that the world will recognize the inherent worth of every person.

It is disheartening that so many people choose cruelty over compassion, failing to see the beauty within this young boy. Let us extend our warmest wishes to Natasha and her family, as they continue to celebrate the incredible journey they are on. May they always find the strength to stay true to themselves and keep spreading love in the face of adversity.