At the tender age of 15, a young man named Tom was devastated by the loss of his father. Little did he know that his life was about to take a turn for the worse. His mother, Karen, wasted no time in moving on with someone else, leaving Tom feeling like a stranger in his own home. The bond between mother and son was shattered, and a battle for affection ensued.

Karen soon asked Tom to leave their home, further straining their already fragile relationship. But little did Karen know that her decision would come back to haunt her in the years to come.

“My mom didn’t waste any time in ‘starting over’ and moved her new partner in just two months later,” Tom shared on Reddit, recounting his story of revenge. When his father passed away, Tom inherited his entire fortune. However, Karen saw this as an opportunity to gain control over his assets. She tried to convince him to give her one of the properties as proof that he accepted her new partner. But Tom’s father had made sure that his will was airtight, leaving no room for manipulation. Tom couldn’t access his assets until he turned 21.

Living under the same roof with Karen’s new partner and his two children was a nightmare for Tom. He often felt neglected and pushed aside in favor of his step-siblings. Instead of including him in family outings, Karen would send Tom to visit his grandparents. This constant exclusion only deepened the rift between mother and son.

The tension eventually reached a breaking point when Tom, at 17, reminded Karen’s partner that he was not the man of the house. Unable to handle the conflict, Karen made the painful decision to kick her own son out. Tom went to live with his grandparents, who advised him to avoid further clashes with Karen’s partner.

Even though Karen visited Tom frequently and expressed her love for him, she always chose to “keep peace at home.” Tom knew deep down that he had the upper hand because of his inheritance. He bided his time, waiting for the perfect moment to exact his revenge.

After completing college, Tom slowly started checking on his properties, including the house where Karen was living. He decided to renovate it and rent it out to fund his Master’s degree. When he went to inform Karen about his decision, he found the house empty. The family was on vacation, and Karen was not answering his calls. Determined to take matters into his own hands, Tom changed the locks to the house.

When Karen and her partner returned from vacation, they were furious. Karen pleaded with Tom, asking why he would do such a thing. But Tom stood his ground, unwilling to back down. Even the news of her partner’s daughter being pregnant did not sway his decision. He gave them a two-week notice to find a new place to live.

Unfortunately, this bold move led to Tom’s maternal family shaming him for kicking his own mother out of her home. Feeling conflicted, Tom turned to his Reddit followers for advice, questioning whether he had done the right thing by changing the locks without his mother’s knowledge.

The comment section was filled with support for Tom. People believed that his father had foreseen the kind of person Karen would become and had left everything to his son accordingly. They agreed that Tom was justified in reclaiming what rightfully belonged to him, especially after Karen had betrayed him by prioritizing her new partner and his children.

Although it was a difficult decision for Tom to make, internet users deemed it unacceptable for Karen to neglect her son so soon after her husband’s passing. Some even speculated that Karen might have started the relationship before her husband’s death. Many applauded Tom for giving his mother a two-week notice, considering how poorly he had been treated.

In the end, Facebook commenters directed their anger towards Karen, blaming her for allowing a man to ruin her relationship with her son. They expressed their belief that any mother who puts a man and his children before her own flesh and blood does not deserve respect.

While Tom did not provide an update on the outcome of the situation, he did mention that his mother had asked to talk and reconcile. Only time will tell whether forgiveness and redemption are on the horizon for this fractured family.