Jamie Lee Curtis, at 64 years old, is basking in the glow of her recent Oscar win. This talented actor, known for her roles in genre movies, took home the prestigious award for her performance in “Everything Everywhere All at Once”. But her journey to this moment has been more than just about her professional success. Curtis also opened up about her experience as a parent supporting her transgender child, Ruby.

During an emotional acceptance speech, Curtis expressed her gratitude to her family and fans who have supported her throughout her career. She also mentioned that both her mother and father were nominated for Oscars in different categories, making her win all the more special. It’s clear that this achievement holds a deep significance for her.

In a recent interview on the Today show, Curtis admitted that the reality of winning an Oscar still hasn’t fully sunk in. She expressed her surprise and gratitude for the whole experience. When asked about naming her statue, Curtis revealed a heartwarming decision. In support of her daughter, Ruby, who recently came out as transgender, Curtis will be referring to her Oscar as “they/them”.

Curtis, who is still navigating this new territory herself, acknowledged that understanding and supporting a transgender child is a learning process. She emphasized the importance of using the correct terminology and language while also admitting that she may make mistakes along the way. But what matters most to her is creating an environment where her child feels loved and accepted.

For Curtis, sharing her own journey and experiences is a way to reach out to others who may be going through something similar. If even one person can find solace or inspiration in her story, then it’s all worth it. And it’s clear that her love for her child knows no bounds.

It’s important to note that Ruby, despite being part of a Hollywood dynasty, has chosen to stay out of the spotlight. They currently work as a video editor for a gaming personality on YouTube. Curtis respects her child’s privacy and supports their personal and professional choices.

We couldn’t be happier for Jamie Lee Curtis and her well-deserved Oscar win. Her success is not just a triumph for her incredible talent, but also a reminder of the power of love and acceptance within a family.