Back in 1965, an iconic radio commentator named Paul Harvey delivered a broadcast to the American people. Little did anyone know that his words would prove to be eerily accurate, even after 53 years. With a weekly audience of nearly 24 million listeners over four decades, Harvey’s thoughtful insights became engrained in the minds of Americans. His incredible prophetic foresight is a testament to his wisdom and insight.

In the broadcast, Harvey begins with the haunting words, “If I were the Devil…” From there, he delves into the issues we face today, laying out a chilling prophecy. It’s astounding to listen to his words and realize just how accurate he was.

Harvey imagined a world where darkness consumed the earth, where he would control a significant portion of land and most of the population. He would manipulate people through whispers, just as he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden. He would convince the youth that the Bible is a myth, that man created God. He would distort the concept of morality, blurring the lines between good and evil.

To the younger generation, he would whisper that work is degrading and that indulgence is the path to happiness. He would instill doubt in their minds about religion, patriotism, and moral conduct. Meanwhile, he would encourage the older generation to pray to a higher power in Washington, rather than to God.

Harvey envisioned a society where literature, movies, and television were steeped in immorality, where the idle hands of the masses would work in his favor. Narcotics and alcohol would be sold to ensnare the weak, while pills would tranquilize the rest. Schools would focus on intellectual growth while neglecting emotional discipline, leading to chaos.

In his dire vision, Harvey saw an atheist advocating for his cause in the highest courts, while preachers would agree with his twisted beliefs. He anticipated a shift away from God in favor of pornography in the judicial system. Religion would be replaced by psychology, and science would be deified, further eroding faith.

Easter would be symbolized by an egg, and Christmas by a bottle, removing the true meanings behind these important holidays. Harvey postulated that ambition would be destroyed by taking from the motivated and giving to the unmotivated. Society would be forced back to work through a police state.

Families would be torn apart, with children in uniform, women in coal mines, and objectors in slave-labor camps. Ultimately, Harvey concluded that if he were the Devil, he would simply continue doing what he was doing and watch the world descend into chaos.

Listening to Harvey’s speech from 1965 is nothing short of spine-chilling. His ominous warnings have since become a reality, and the parallels between his prophetic words and modern society are undeniable. Many of us vividly remember listening to Harvey with our parents in the ’70s, and now we see that his insights were far ahead of their time.

Take a moment to watch the video below and reflect on the accuracy of Harvey’s words. It serves as a stark reminder of the challenges we face in today’s world. Let us know your thoughts – we’d love to hear what you think.