Owen Burns, a 13-year-old boy from Michigan, displayed extraordinary courage when he rescued his 8-year-old sister from a terrifying kidnapping attempt. It was a typical afternoon for Owen, who was preparing to play his favorite video game, “Call of Duty: Black Ops II,” when he heard his sister’s screams in the backyard. At first, he dismissed them as mere silliness, but when he looked out his window, he saw something that sent chills down his spine.

To his shock, Owen witnessed a stranger trying to drag his sister towards the nearby woods. Without hesitation, Owen quickly grabbed his slingshot and gathered whatever objects he could find that could serve as ammunition. With a marble and a rock in hand, he took aim and shot the kidnapper right between the eyes, followed by a direct hit to the chest. The brave teenager’s accurate shots stunned the assailant, who was left swearing and cussing in pain.

Thankfully, Owen’s sister emerged from the encounter physically unharmed, although she was understandably shaken. The Michigan State Police, grateful for Owen’s swift actions, commended the young hero for his bravery. Lt. John Grimshaw described Owen’s actions as “heroic” and stated that he undoubtedly saved his sister from a potentially tragic fate.

Owen’s slingshot, which cost a mere $3 on sale, proved to be a powerful tool in his hands. The young boy had honed his aim by practicing shooting at old orange juice cans in his yard. Little did he know that this innocent pastime would one day help him defend his sister against a kidnapper. Owen’s determination to protect his sibling was fueled by the horrifying thought that if the kidnapper succeeded, his sister’s life could be in grave danger.

Enraged, Owen confronted the kidnapper, hurling a baseball at him in a fit of anger. The attempt missed, but it was a testament to Owen’s sheer bravery and determination. He continued his assault, using his damaged slingshot as a weapon until the assailant eventually let go of his sister. In tears, she ran into the house, telling her brother that she had narrowly escaped a life-threatening situation.

Owen’s mother, Maggie, arrived home and contacted the police after hearing her distraught children on the phone. She couldn’t believe the terrifying ordeal her children had experienced. The kidnapper was apprehended at a nearby gas station, where he had been hiding. His injuries matched the slingshot strikes to his head and chest, further validating Owen’s incredible accuracy.

Maggie initially had doubts about her son’s account of the incident. However, she soon realized that the unbelievable had indeed happened. The police substantiated Owen’s claims, pointing to the swelling goose egg on the kidnapper’s forehead as evidence. Owen proudly exclaimed to his mother, “You said I always lie!” To which his mother replied, “I just couldn’t believe it. It just didn’t sound real until there was proof. It sounds like something you would see in the movies.” Owen confidently responded, “Mom, stuff in the movies can and do happen in real life.”

Owen’s heroic act has touched the hearts of many, reminding us of the power of bravery and love between siblings. The story of this young boy’s unwavering courage should be shared with friends and family, serving as an inspiration to us all.