Adorable twins

All children are born unique, but there are some births that leave an everlasting imprint on our minds. In 2018, twin girls Catalina and Virginia were born in Argentina, capturing worldwide attention. Their striking feature? Snow-white hair. The pictures of these beautiful and unique twins went viral at the time, but they seemed to have been forgotten. However, recently, the girls’ relatives posted some pictures of Catalina and Virginia, and I must say, these girls are still as adorable as ever!

Jorge Gomez and his wife were overjoyed when they learned that they were going to have twin girls. Already having a beautiful son, they felt their family was about to be complete. Little did they know the kind of attention their twin girls would receive upon their arrival.

At the start of her pregnancy, Mrs. Gomez made regular visits to the doctor. And after one visit, she received the news that she was expecting twins – an exciting development. To the couple’s delight, both babies being born with albinism did not change their happiness at all. “For us, it is a blessing,” Jorge told a local newspaper.

With careful preparation and a smooth pregnancy, the parents welcomed Catalina and Virginia into the world. Despite being born prematurely at 36 weeks, the girls were healthy, and their mother was doing well. However, what caught the doctors’ attention at the hospital in Tucuman Province, Argentina, was the unique appearance of the twins. With heads covered in milky white hair, they didn’t resemble anyone in their family.

Albinism, a rare genetic disorder causing a lack of pigmentation in the skin, was the reason behind the twins’ appearance. Only one in 17,000 babies in the United States is born with albinism. It is an inherited condition, typically requiring both parents to carry an albinism gene. With their birth, Catalina and Virginia became Argentina’s first set of albino twins.

Catalina, weighing approximately 5.95 pounds (2.6 kg), was the first to arrive, followed by Virginia just two minutes later, weighing around 5.5 pounds (2.4 kg). The discovery of their rare genetic condition was a shock to everyone, but it also brought a sense of blessing to Jorge and his wife.

As the twins grow older, they have become even more beautiful. In December 2021, they had the opportunity to pose as models for some dresses made by a person close to the family. These pictures not only capture their beauty but also aim to shed light on albinism and showcase the unique beauty of albino individuals.

Jorge and his wife are determined to show the world that all babies deserve unconditional love and acceptance, regardless of their differences. Regardless of the ups and downs life may bring, the girls will always have each other. Join me in wishing these little sweethearts all the best, as they continue to inspire the world in every positive way possible.