Imagine having so little going on in your life that you have to comment on someone else’s body and clothing choices. Taking time out of your day to deliberately hurt someone else’s feelings, who has never personally harmed you. It’s unfortunate that there are emotionally wounded people who take out their lack of understanding of themselves on teenagers like Madison Haulter.

Haulter recently experienced online body-shaming from internet trolls. She had rocked an incredible, figure-hugging pink sequin gown on her prom night. Her boyfriend, Tre Booker, had accompanied her in a matching pink tie and boutonniére. Together, they looked superfly and were a picture-perfect couple.

Haulter shared her prom photos on Twitter, captioning them “Prom with the loml” (which means “love of my life,” in case you’re not up-to-date with the kids’ lingo these days). Unfortunately, there were certain individuals who decided to use their time to ruin this happy moment.

One person left a nasty comment, expressing surprise that Booker loved Haulter despite her size, saying “mbn” (short for “must be nice”). Perhaps jealousy played a role in their cruel words. But why wouldn’t Booker adore his girlfriend? Haulter looked like a movie star that day and is incredibly beautiful, inside and out, even without a gown. It’s clear that the commenter had their own body and self-love issues that they decided to project onto Haulter.

Thankfully, the internet wasn’t going to let the haters rain on this couple’s parade. The post went viral, with an outpouring of kind and supportive comments. People applauded Haulter for how beautiful she looked and how adorable she and Booker were together. The kindness and compliments far outweighed the hate.

Haulter’s motto is “Do all things with love.” She believes in not responding to hate with hate, which is why she didn’t engage in negativity with the commenter. She also stopped her friends from responding rudely. Instead, she focused on spreading love and positivity.

But it wasn’t just strangers who came to Haulter’s defense. Booker, being the wonderful boyfriend that he is, didn’t waste his time addressing or acknowledging the haters. He simply made sure Haulter knew how he felt about her. He wrote, “You’re not fat, baby. God made you just for me. You’re perfect. I could look at you all day,” accompanied by a ring emoji. Many people applauded him for standing up for his girlfriend. After all, that’s what any good boyfriend or friend should do.

Some people may consider him “soft” for doting on his girlfriend and posting so much about her. But imagine being so insecure that you can’t even compliment your partner. Anyway, Booker didn’t care about the negativity. He wanted everyone to know how much he loves Haulter. Their display of love isn’t just a social media farce; it’s genuine and true.

Let’s spread this beautiful love story and show support for Madison Haulter and Tre Booker. Share this article with your friends and family.