Kelly Clarkson, the accomplished singer, songwriter, author, and TV personality, recently opened up about her decision to use spanking as a form of discipline for her children. In a radio interview, she defended her choice, stating that she is “not above spanking” when it comes to maintaining discipline.

As a parent of two children, River Rose and Remy, ages 8 and 6 respectively, Clarkson clarified that she does not advocate for hitting children hard, but rather believes in a gentle form of spanking. She shared that growing up in Texas, spanking was a common disciplinary method, and she personally feels that it didn’t have any negative impact on her life.

Clarkson acknowledges that the topic of spanking is controversial, especially in public settings where people may pass judgment. However, she stands by her belief and wants to raise her children with a balance of discipline and character development. She even humorously mentions that you might catch her spanking her child at the zoo if necessary.

Before resorting to spanking, Clarkson makes sure to communicate with her children and give them a warning. She believes that this approach has been effective in reducing unwanted behaviors. By setting clear expectations and explaining the consequences, she has noticed a positive change in her children’s behavior.

The use of spanking as a disciplinary measure remains a subject of debate among experts. The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly advises against it, stating that it is ineffective and harmful to children. However, Clarkson’s perspective emphasizes personal choice and individual parenting styles.

What are your thoughts on Kelly Clarkson’s approach to disciplining her children? Do you agree with her or feel that everyone should have the freedom to discipline their children as they see fit? Let us know in the comments on our Facebook page.