Who could have imagined the secrets lying beneath our very own homes? Just like a scene from an adventure movie, Colin Stier, a 70-year-old resident of Plymouth, England, stumbled upon a hidden gem while cleaning his house – a deep well. Little did he know that this simple act would unearth objects that date back 500 years!

Colin’s house, built around 1895, had been his home since 1988. However, it wasn’t until ten years ago that he noticed something peculiar. While decorating his house, he noticed that the floor near one of the windows had sunk. Filled with curiosity and intrigue, he wondered if someone had been buried there or if it was a sinkhole. Determined to put his doubts to rest, Colin grabbed his shovel and started digging.

To his astonishment, Colin discovered an array of ancient artifacts inside the well. Swords, coins, and rings that had been hidden for centuries were now in his possession. These remarkable finds indicate that the well itself is approximately 500 years old!

The well, estimated to be 17 feet deep and four to five feet wide, is a treasure trove of history. As Colin dug down about five feet, he uncovered an old sword. Further excavation led to the discovery of a coin dating back to 1725. And as if these finds weren’t amazing enough, a ring emerged from the depths of the well.

However, reaching a depth of 17 feet posed a challenge as water began to seep out. Despite the difficulties, Colin’s determination remains unwavering, even as he encounters mud during the ongoing excavation.

This incredible find right in the backyard of Colin’s own home reminds us that there is still so much we have yet to discover about the world around us. Who knows what other mysteries lie buried just beneath our feet waiting to be uncovered?