When it comes to saving lives, doctors often receive all the praise and recognition. However, the truth is that nurses, assistants, paramedics, and anesthetists play equally important roles in healthcare. Unfortunately, their significance is often overlooked.

Nurse Caitilin Brassington recently had an encounter that shed light on this issue. After a tough shift, she decided to stop by the supermarket, still dressed in her uniform. It was there that she bumped into a former high school classmate, who made a thoughtless comment:

“I didn’t know you were just a nurse…”

As someone with 18 years of experience in the nursing field, Caitilin had heard this phrase all too often. But on that particular day, it struck a nerve. Was she really “just” a nurse?

Throughout her career, Caitilin has been involved in countless life-saving moments. She has helped bring new life into the world, held the hands of those taking their last breaths, revived clinically dead patients, comforted grieving parents, and tended to wounds and drawn blood with precision. She has sacrificed holidays, birthdays, and important family events to provide care for her patients’ loved ones. And she has the expertise to resuscitate individuals of all ages.

Yet, despite all this, she sometimes feels minimized and undervalued. But let us be clear: Caitilin is not just a nurse. She is a skilled healthcare professional, with the experience, knowledge, and dedication to save lives. And she takes immense pride in her noble profession.

Nurses like Caitilin are the backbone of our healthcare system. Their tireless work, compassion, and expertise are essential in ensuring the well-being and recovery of patients. As we reflect on the crucial role they play, let us remember to appreciate and acknowledge their invaluable contributions.