Jacqueline Kennedy is all grown up and you won't believe what she looks like today

Jacqueline Kennedy, the iconic First Lady known for her impeccable sense of fashion, continues to be admired by people of all ages. Her elegance and influential presence made a significant impact during her time in the White House, and her style is still celebrated today. But what’s even more remarkable is the striking resemblance her eldest granddaughter, Rose Kennedy Schlossberg, bears to her beloved grandmother. Prepare to be amazed by these incredible pictures!

Born on July 28th, 1929, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier captured the hearts of the American people long before she became the First Lady of the United States. Her intelligence, grace, and dedication to the arts made her a respected public figure and an inspiration to many.

Rose Kennedy Schlossberg

After marrying John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, Jacqueline embraced her role as First Lady with grace and poise. Together, they had four children, but sadly, only Caroline and her brother John Jr. survived infancy.

Tragedy struck the Kennedy family when President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Although Jacqueline remarried, she did not have any more children. Instead, she focused on raising her family and preserving her husband’s legacy.

Caroline Kennedy, Jacqueline’s daughter, would go on to bless her mother with three grandchildren. The oldest of them, Rose Kennedy Schlossberg, has grown into a remarkable young woman who embodies her grandmother’s spirit. Not only do they share a striking physical resemblance, but Rose also inherited Jacqueline’s passion for writing and the arts.

Like her grandmother, Rose pursued higher education at Harvard, where she obtained a degree in English. She has since made a name for herself as a talented writer and even created her own comedy series called “End Times Girls Club.” This series, which focuses on female-focused apocalypse survival, showcases Rose’s creativity and wit.

Rose Kennedy Schlossberg

Although Rose has not followed in her family’s footsteps by entering politics, she has shown her support for various causes and political campaigns. Her involvement in Democrat Alan Khazei’s campaign and her contributions to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign demonstrate her commitment to making a difference, just like her famous family.

Unfortunately, Jacqueline passed away in 1994 when Rose was just six years old. Despite their short time together, Rose and her grandmother shared a special bond, with Rose affectionately referring to her as “Grand Jackie.” The impact of Jacqueline’s presence can still be felt in Rose’s life today.

In addition to her grandmother, Rose also had a close relationship with her uncle, John F. Kennedy Jr. His untimely death in a plane crash was a devastating loss for Rose, who considered him a father figure. She went through a difficult period of grief and struggled to cope with the loss.

On a happier note, in May 2022, Rose married Rory McAuliffe, a restaurateur whom she had known for many years. The couple’s long-standing relationship and the Kennedy family’s approval of Rory demonstrate the strong bond they share.

As we look at these beautiful pictures of Rose, it’s evident that Jacqueline would be immensely proud of her grandchildren. They not only carry on her incredible legacy but also embody her spirit and passion for making a difference in the world. Jacqueline Kennedy’s influence continues to shine through the generations, leaving an indelible mark on history.

Rose Kennedy Schlossberg