Marriage is a beautiful promise that not everyone takes to heart, but Delta Burke and Gerald McRaney are different. They have been happily married for over 30 years, proving that true love can stand the test of time.

Gerald McRaney, a talented actor, was instantly smitten when he first laid eyes on the gorgeous Delta Burke. He knew he had to act fast because he wasn’t the only one vying for her attention. So, he mustered up the courage and asked her out before anyone else had the chance.

Their connection was undeniable from the start, and on their second date, Gerald surprised Delta by asking her to be his wife. Although they didn’t rush into marriage, waiting two years until their wedding day on May 28, 1989, Gerald knew that he had found his dream girl. This was Delta’s first marriage, but for Gerald, it was his third. However, he was determined to make it work this time, and he meant every word of his wedding vows.

Their shared love for the entertainment industry created a unique bond between them. While others questioned their compatibility, Gerald believed that their profession brought them closer together. They understood the demands and challenges of working in movies and TV, providing unwavering support in each other’s careers. If filming kept Gerald away and late into the night, Delta understood without complaint because she understood the nature of his work.

Their relationship goes beyond being supportive; they are each other’s greatest cheerleaders. They offer advice and encouragement when one has a problem at work. When Gerald won a prestigious acting award for his role in “This Is Us,” Delta’s pride overflowed, resulting in tears of joy. That moment encapsulated their genuine belief in each other’s talents.

In 1998, their marriage faced its greatest challenge. Delta experienced the loss of her grandmother, and her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Around the same time, Delta took a break from acting due to a disagreement with the producers of her show, “Designing Women.”

Observant viewers noticed Delta’s physical transformation during this period, as she battled with hypoglycemia, a health condition that caused weight gain. However, her struggle with her weight was only the tip of the iceberg. Delta’s misdiagnosis led to the development of type 2 diabetes, a serious health concern that took time and multiple doctors’ visits to identify accurately.

Delta vividly recalls feeling exhausted and sensing that something was off in her body. Despite the doctors initially diagnosing her with Epstein-Barr, she knew deep down it was something else. Finally, after extensive testing, she received the diagnosis of diabetes. During this time, Delta was also caring for her mother, neglecting her own well-being. While she had medication to manage her diabetes, her doctor emphasized the importance of healthier eating habits to avoid insulin dependency.

Delta’s mother eventually recovered, and she credits Gerald for being her rock during this challenging period. He ensured she took her medication and made her health a priority. Gerald himself overcame lung cancer in 2004, proving the strength and resilience of their love and partnership.

Nowadays, Delta relies on insulin to manage her diabetes, and she openly shares how Gerald’s unwavering support extends to giving her insulin shots. She fondly reflects on how he loved her through thick and thin, even when her weight skyrocketed. Gerald’s love for her goes beyond physical appearance, and she is grateful for his unyielding affection.

Both Delta and Gerald prioritize their health and maintain active lifestyles. Delta finally feels at peace with her well-being and embraces her newfound confidence.

As for their futures, Delta has put acting on hold, and while Gerald believes she may not return to the screen, he hopes to collaborate with her once more. While retirement is not in his immediate plans, they have purchased a house in the heart of Florida, ready to embark on a new chapter together. Although they do not have children together, they wholeheartedly dedicated themselves to raising Gerald’s three children from his previous marriage.

Their enduring love has served as an inspiration to everyone in Hollywood and beyond. Delta Burke and Gerald McRaney exemplify what a strong and loving marriage looks like. Let their story be shared as a testament to the power of commitment and devotion.