Mark Ciavarella, who had been teaching music in the Republic of the Congo for six years, was unfortunately murdered by his partner who was afraid that he would leave him with nothing if he returned home.

In a video confession shared by local media, it has been revealed that two men have admitted to the murder of Australian music teacher Mark Ciavarella in Africa. Ciavarella, aged 57, had been reported missing in October 2022. He had been living and working in the Republic of the Congo for six years, employed at an international school.

Amid growing concerns from his friends and family, it was reported that Australian music teacher Mark Ciavarella’s belongings were found untouched in his apartment in Brazzaville, the capital city of the Republic of the Congo, except for his phone. In a video that surfaced online in November, two men, who were handcuffed together, confessed to their involvement in Ciavarella’s demise. The individuals identified as Bebeka Clement, Ciavarella’s partner and flatmate, and Clement’s friend, detailed how they clandestinely laced Ciavarella’s drink with poison, wrapped his body, and callously discarded it off a bridge into the treacherous Congo River, inhabited by crocodiles.

Clement revealed that he was driven by the fear of being left with nothing if Ciavarella decided to return to Australia. He alleged that the idea of killing Ciavarella originated from his friend. In the video, Clement’s friend disclosed that after consuming the poison, Ciavarella fell into a deep sleep and passed away approximately 35 minutes later.

Both individuals have been charged in connection with the murder and are scheduled to appear in a local court in March to face justice for their heinous crime.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has stated that they are providing consular assistance to the family of Mark Ciavarella in light of the tragic events. Ciavarella’s brother, Darren, expressed the profound distress the family is experiencing upon learning the details of his brother’s death. He mentioned the anguish caused by the realization that they may never have the opportunity to lay him to rest.

Darren shared his heartache, stating that if Ciavarella’s passing had been due to a crash or illness, it might have been easier to accept. However, the knowledge that he was deliberately killed and disposed of by being fed to crocodiles in the sea is unbearable. The thought of Ciavarella’s last moments is too painful to imagine, leaving the family devastated.

Describing their last interaction, Darren recounted speaking to his brother on the day before he went missing. At that time, Ciavarella appeared to be in a positive state of mind and was looking forward to returning to his life in Australia. The abrupt and tragic turn of events has left the family deeply shaken and filled with sorrow.