Imagine this heartwarming scene: Misty Wolf whispered to Santa about her blind and autistic son, Matthew, telling Santa how much Matthew was fascinated by him. Without any hesitation, Santa immediately got down on the floor to greet Matthew.

It was an unforgettable moment.

Santa talked to Matthew for a long time, letting him explore his red suit, touch his beard, and feel his hat. Matthew even requested to touch Santa’s twinkling eyes, just like in the famous Christmas poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Santa kindly obliged, allowing Matthew to explore his eyes for as long as he wanted.

Then, Santa had an amazing surprise for Matthew. He took him over to the display area where a real reindeer was kept. With Santa’s guidance, Matthew had the chance to pet the reindeer. The joy and interest in Matthew’s eyes were enough to fill Misty’s heart with happiness and gratitude.

Misty couldn’t help but praise Santa, calling him “The Best Santa ever.” And she’s absolutely right. Just look at the first picture and see the twinkle in Santa’s eyes. It speaks volumes about his kindness and genuine care for children like Matthew.

Santa truly made a difference in Matthew’s life that day.