In a world bound by reality, miracles are rare and precious. They remind us that anything is possible, defying the odds and challenging our expectations. Such is the remarkable story of Abby and Erin Delaney, conjoined twins who were born in 2016, connected at the head. Doctors initially gave them a slim chance of survival, but through a combination of luck and cutting-edge medical technology, they beat the odds and became a true miracle.

Heather Delaney and her partner Riley were overjoyed when they learned they were expecting twins. The couple, who had known each other since childhood, had always dreamed of a happy family. However, their joy turned to concern when they discovered that the babies’ heads were conjoined. It was a shocking and overwhelming moment for Heather and Riley, but they were determined to carry on with the pregnancy, believing that it was not their place to decide whether their daughters should live or not.

Contrary to popular belief, cases of conjoined twins are not as rare as one might think. They occur in approximately 1 out of every 200 pregnancies and 1 out of every 49,000-189,000 births. While these numbers may seem large, they highlight the fact that conjoined twins are more common than we realize, considering the number of births that occur worldwide each day.

Sadly, the mortality rate among conjoined twins is high, with only 18% surviving birth. Most pregnancies with conjoined twins end in miscarriage. However, Heather and Riley maintained their optimism throughout the pregnancy. On July 24th, 2016, Abby and Erin were born via C-section, weighing only 1 lb. They spent the first 485 days of their lives at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where a life-saving separation surgery was performed. Separating conjoined twins is no easy task, and Abby and Erin, who were craniopagus twins with their skulls connected at the top, faced a significant challenge.

In June 2017, a team of more than 30 medical personnel performed a grueling 11-hour surgery to separate Abby and Erin. The procedure was a success, although Abby’s sinuses would be missing some pieces and there were other minor complications. But these girls were fighters, and they amazed everyone with their resilience and incredible recovery. The surgery was so groundbreaking that it was even published in the esteemed New England Journal of Medicine, highlighting the innovative techniques used to prepare the twins for surgery and ensure a safer procedure.

Life after the surgery wasn’t without its challenges. The girls underwent skull restoration and plastic surgery as they grew older, requiring numerous hospital visits and appointments. In July 2021, they underwent another significant surgery to reconstruct and repair their heads. While Abby recovered beautifully, Erin faced a tougher recovery. Throughout it all, their mother, Heather, has been documenting their journey on her blog and on Facebook, keeping friends, family, and well-wishers updated on their progress.

Their lives have been a remarkable journey with its fair share of ups and downs. Last year, the family received the devastating news that both girls had been diagnosed with autism. This added another layer of complexity to their lives, but Heather remains unwavering in her love and support for her daughters. Despite the challenges, Abby and Erin continue to make strides in their development, learning to walk and growing stronger each day.

Looking at these adorable girls, who are turning six this year, fills my heart with joy. They are unique and beautiful in every way, and they are blessed to have such loving and dedicated parents by their side. Heather and Riley couldn’t be prouder of their daughters and the incredible progress they have made. They have never wished for things to be different, accepting their girls just the way they are.