Heartbreak struck the Carvey family when comedian Dana Carvey’s eldest son, Dex Carvey, passed away at the age of 32. As the coroner’s report reveals, Dex’s death was a result of an accidental drug overdose. Our hearts go out to the Carvey family and to anyone who has experienced the pain of losing a loved one to addiction.

Dex Carvey was a multi-talented individual who packed so much into his 32 years of life. He had a passion for music, art, filmmaking, and comedy, and he pursued each of these endeavors with great enthusiasm. It’s safe to say that Dex loved life.

Tragically, Dex died in his Los Angeles home, and the investigation into his death is ongoing. He leaves behind a grieving family, including his parents Dana Carvey and Paula Zwagerman, as well as his younger brother Thomas Carvey.

In their joint statement, Dana and Paula describe Dex as someone who made everything fun. Being around him meant embracing life and all its joy. They emphasize Dex’s love for his family, friends, and girlfriend, Kaylee. Dex’s handmade birthday cards, a testament to his creativity, will forever be cherished.

Dex was not only a beloved son but also an actor and comedian in his own right. In 2018, he even opened a show for his father during one of Dana Carvey’s tours. Despite his own struggles with addiction, Dex continued to pursue his passions and make people laugh.

In a heartfelt message, Dana and Paula extend their thoughts and prayers to anyone facing addiction or supporting someone in their journey of recovery. They want the memory of Dex to focus on his happy times, rather than the difficulties he faced. Dana Carvey further emphasized this sentiment by sharing a photo of Dex’s smiling face, with a message proclaiming, “This is my boy.”

Let us remember Dex Carvey for the vibrant and talented person he was. Addiction may have taken him from us, but his spirit will live on in the memories of those who loved him. Share this article with your family and friends to spread awareness about the heartbreaking impact of addiction.

Alpha Wiser Love and Peace