Today, a court in Munich sentenced a male nurse from Germany to life in prison for murdering two patients and attempting to kill six others by injecting them with a sedative cocktail.

The 27-year-old nurse, identified as Mario G, committed these acts so that he could have peace while hungover on his shift. The court found him guilty of deliberately administering unprescribed drugs to the patients.

At his trial, Mario G confessed to injecting sedatives and other drug mixtures into patients while he worked in the recovery room of a Munich hospital. He explained to the court that he did this because he wanted to be left alone.

In November 2020, Mario G attempted to murder German writer and intellectual Hans Magnus Enzensberger three times. Enzensberger survived the attempts but died two years later of natural causes at the age of 93. The two patients who died as a result of Mario G’s actions were 80 and 89 years old.

Prosecutors alleged that the nurse gave the drugs to the patients so that he could be left alone during his shift, especially when he was hungover.

The case drew comparisons to the notorious German nurse Niels Hoegel, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2019 for murdering 85 patients in his care between 2000 and 2005. Hoegel was Germany’s most prolific serial killer before he was caught.

In 2020, a Polish healthcare worker was also sentenced to life in prison in Munich for using insulin to kill at least three people.