McDonald’s has become a hot topic on TikTok, with customers expressing their frustration over what they perceive as sky-high prices. One dissatisfied customer, Topher, recently shared his receipt for a standard meal – a Smoky Double Quarter Pounder BLT burger, large fries, and Sprite – that cost him a whopping $16.

Now, I don’t know about you, but it seems like the cost of food keeps going up these days, doesn’t it? It used to be that getting takeout from places like McDonald’s was an affordable option, but now it’s becoming quite costly.

It’s no secret that prices for things like food and energy have seen a significant increase in the United States due to high inflation over the past year. As a result, the cost of living has also gone up.

For many Americans, McDonald’s was always seen as a place where you could grab a cheap meal without any issues. However, TikTok user Christopher Olive has shed some light on the fact that this might not be the case anymore. In a video posted last year, he showcased his latest McDonald’s meal, which included a large serving of fries, a Sprite, and the aforementioned Smoky Double Quarter Pounder BLT burger. It’s fair to say that this meal is significantly pricier than a Happy Meal.

Just a few years ago, you could easily get a meal like this for under $10, if not even cheaper. So, it’s no wonder that Christopher was taken aback when he saw a bill totaling a staggering $16.10 for his meal. In the video, he expresses his disbelief, saying, “I understand there’s a shortage of workers, I know wages have gone up, and other factors, but… sixteen dollars? Sixteen dollars for a burger, large fries, and a drink. It’s just unbelievable.”

As expected, Christopher’s video has gained a lot of attention, racking up nearly 180,000 views and a slew of comments from people online. It’s clear that opinions are divided on this matter. Some individuals argue that paying $16 for a hamburger meal is simply too much. However, it’s important to consider that when costs rise, it affects the entire process of making and delivering food, leading to higher prices.

People have also chimed in with different perspectives on the issue. Some believe that Christopher intentionally chose the most expensive item on the menu, leading to his surprise. One commenter noted, “You got the DOUBLE DELUXE BACON quarter pounder, which is actually the most costly choice on the whole menu.”

Others have provided useful tips to help McDonald’s enthusiasts save some money. For instance, one individual suggested, “Get the app. You can have a meal at McDonald’s for less than $6 every time.” Another person added, “Use the McDonald’s app, they often have discounts like 50% off and other deals.”

So, while it’s true that McDonald’s prices may seem steep to some, it’s essential to consider the underlying factors contributing to these price increases. In a time when the cost of living is on the rise, it’s not surprising that even our beloved fast-food favorites are feeling the impact. Nonetheless, there are ways to mitigate the impact on our wallets by taking advantage of discounts and promotions offered through the McDonald’s app.