In the world of Hollywood, Tom Hanks is a well-respected veteran with an impressive body of work. Throughout his career, he has had countless unforgettable experiences on movie sets. However, one particular encounter stands out – working with the legendary director Clint Eastwood. In a recent interview, Hanks revealed the fascinating and, at times, intimidating world of collaborating with Eastwood.

An Intimidating Director with a Unique Style

In the film “Sully: Miracle on the Hudson,” Hanks portrayed the role of Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger and received numerous accolades for his performance. But behind the scenes, his experience on set was far from ordinary. During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show, Hanks opened up about feeling intimidated by Eastwood and his distinctive directing approach.

Describing Eastwood’s quiet demeanor and unconventional way of giving instructions, Hanks drew a fascinating parallel between the director’s experiences on the 60s series ‘Rawhide’ and handling horses. Instead of the traditional “Cut!” command, Eastwood preferred a more gentle approach. Hanks humorously mentioned that this could be quite intimidating when Eastwood tells the cast, “That’s enough of that.” Despite the challenges, Hanks acknowledged Eastwood’s desire for authenticity in capturing the reality of the moment.

The Dedication to Authenticity

During his discussion on The Graham Norton Show, Tom Hanks praised the authenticity of the film and expressed his gratitude and respect for Clint Eastwood’s dedication to creating a masterpiece. Notably, the real-life Sully, Chesley Sullenberger, played an active role in the production process.

Hanks shared how deeply involved Sullenberger was, bringing in a dog-eared, marked-up script filled with notes and comments. This meticulous attention to detail showcased Sully’s commitment to accurately portraying the procedures and emotions of the extraordinary event. It was this level of dedication that made Hanks truly appreciate the opportunity to be a part of such a significant project.

A Remarkable Film and Critical Success

Portraying the role of Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger was a significant accomplishment for Tom Hanks. The 2016 drama, based on a true story, not only garnered critical acclaim but also achieved remarkable commercial success, earning over $240 million at the box office.

With Eastwood’s unique directing style and Hanks’ commitment to authenticity, “Sully: Miracle on the Hudson” became a captivating portrayal of a real-life hero’s courage and the extraordinary events that unfolded.