Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician, has expressed concerns about President Joe Biden’s recent health assessment. Jackson, who has served in both the Trump and Obama administrations, finds the review “alarming” and has called for an end to the “cover-up” surrounding Biden’s declining mental state.

Biden’s Medical Exam and the “Cover-Up”

Biden’s physician, Kevin O’Connor, conducted a medical exam and declared the 80-year-old President “fit for duty.” It is important to note that this examination took place before Biden announced his plan to run for re-election in 2024.

In a letter from the White House, O’Connor stated that President Biden is a “healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male” fully capable of carrying out his presidential duties without any exemptions or accommodations. However, Jackson has expressed skepticism about this assessment, referring to it as a “cover-up” and questioning Biden’s mental health.

Transparency and Accountability

Jackson, speaking to Fox News, has pointed out the lack of transparency from the White House regarding any efforts to address Biden’s mental health decline. He believes Biden’s deteriorating mental health is evident and should not be concealed from the public.

Jackson has highlighted the written physical exam report released by Biden’s doctor as evidence of an ongoing attempt to hide the truth. He argues that the information fails to acknowledge Biden’s declining mental health, further fueling the need for transparency.

Demanding a Cognitive Test for Biden

To shed light on the situation, Jackson has sent three letters to the White House demanding that President Biden undergo a cognitive test and the results be made public. Jackson emphasizes that many Americans can sense that something is amiss and that the cover-up must end.

Importance of Transparency

The concerns raised by Jackson draw attention to the significance of transparency and addressing potential health issues that public figures, especially our leaders, face. As citizens, we need access to accurate and reliable information regarding the well-being of those in power positions.