Many of Blake Shelton’s followers noted his considerable changes in appearance when he was recently featured in a virtual concert. The 44-year-old country music artist had a significant health scare, and his dramatic physical makeover was not for aesthetic reasons.

Shelton claimed that throughout the early phases of being indoors in isolation, he developed self-destructive habits such as bingeing on food, excessive snacking, and excessive drinking. These unhealthy habits, combined with Shelton’s inability to tour or work owing to the epidemic, resulted in him acquiring an alarming amount of weight.

Shelton highlighted his struggles with anxiety and loneliness due to his unhealthy routine in a Zoom interview. He felt helpless and defenseless. He couldn’t inspire himself to do anything or seek expert help because he was stuck at home.

It required all of his determination and the encouragement of friends and family to get back on track with improved eating habits and an exercise plan that eventually helped him shed the additional pounds.

The singer had a mild heart attack while attempting to perform some household responsibilities, and it was at this point he realized his way of life had become highly detrimental to his health.

Late-night pleasures like cheeseburgers and beer with friends were causing his health to deteriorate, and the heaviness in his chest indicated something was wrong.

Following consultation with his doctor, it became evident that fast weight loss was required to avoid any more difficulties with his heart condition. This means not just modifying his habits in the short term but also incorporating healthy lifestyle choices into his long-term routine so that he can stay fit and strong for years to come.

After his terrifying health crisis, Shelton realized he needed to take a proactive approach to his health and make some drastic adjustments. After consulting with his close friend and The Voice judge, Kelly Clarkson, he chose to attempt the ketogenic diet.

This diet substantially limits carbohydrate intake to achieve a state of ketosis, a metabolic process in which the body breaks down fat into molecules called ketones, allowing it to use fat for energy rather than carbohydrates.

The country singer attributes this nutritional change to him being in the finest form of his life, even better than before the minor heart attack. Shelton’s story is a fantastic source of encouragement and inspiration for individuals trying to make positive lifestyle changes when many are battling to keep healthy due to the pandemic.

Simple changes such as eliminating high-carbohydrate processed meals, increasing leafy greens, and reducing portion sizes allow one to begin following a healthy regimen similar to Shelton’s.