A Woman Sleeping in a Hospital Bed Next To Her Newborn Baby | Source: Flickr.com/Lars Plougmann/CC BY-SA 2.0

One woman gave birth to a child whose race she and her husband didn’t recognize, and this made the father and his mother reject the infant. Because her mother-in-law never expressed regret for turning down her granddaughter, the woman does not want her to develop a relationship with the child.

A woman who was only a teenager at the time of her marriage later gave birth to a girl. The infant, however, didn’t resemble either her parents and was born looking like a different race, which led to disagreements between the parents.

Due to some influence from his side of the family, the woman’s husband rejected the child and even refused to let his wife return home with her. Even worse, she was defamed on social media for allegedly having an extramarital affair.

A woman holding two DNA test reports in her hands | Source: Shutterstock

The woman spent some time away from home and had to go to great lengths to try and prove that her husband was the father of their baby. However, after she was welcomed back home, she refused to let her mother-in-law visit to bond with the child; here’s her story. 

On September 26, 2021, a Reddit user with the username Mundane_Waltz1106 took to one of the platform’s communities for advice. The woman revealed that she was 21 and had been with her 29-year-old husband since she was 18.

A pregnant woman sitting on a bench while cradling her growing baby bump in warm weather | Source: Shutterstock

At age 19, she married him, and they had a good relationship led by trust. However, things changed when she gave birth to their daughter because the child was born with brown eyes, darker skin, and thick dark curly hair. 

What caused the drama was that the little girl’s parents were both White, with light-colored hair and eyes and white skin. Everyone believed she’d cheated on her husband, despite her denying it, and she recalled:

“It was an awful moment of (sic) my life because I felt alone; even my husband thought I cheated on him.” 

A young mother cries and wipes tears away while hugging her newborn baby after giving birth | Source: Shutterstock

Her husband even left her alone at the hospital after their daughter was born because his mother convinced him to. The woman didn’t receive any visitors in the hospital because her mother-in-law shared images of the child on social media and called her a cheater. 

The man’s wife wasn’t even aware of when her mother-in-law took the photos. When she tried texting her husband, pleading with him to get a DNA test, he ignored them, and she had to stay at her sister’s house for a month after being kicked out of their marital home. 

She eventually convinced him to get the test, and it proved “without a doubt” that he was the little girl’s father. Upon getting the results, her husband apologized “profusely” and allowed her to return to their home, but their relationship had changed.

One doctor shouting while looking at an x-ray MRI image held by another medical professional | Source: Shutterstock

The poster confessed that she now felt differently towards him and even some distance since he rejected her when their daughter was born. Despite the DNA test, the woman’s mother-in-law continued saying she’d cheated and even used racial slurs when talking about her granddaughter. 

The husband’s mother even used derogatory terms to describe her, spreading rumors that the DNA was fake. The mother-in-law went as far as saying she’d never treat the child as her granddaughter.

However, without knowing what changed, her mother-in-law asked to visit and even referred to the child as her granddaughter. The 21-year-old felt uncomfortable with the request and refused the visit.

A woman sleeping in a hospital bed with her newborn baby asleep next to her in a cot | Source: Flickr

Her husband reacted in anger and felt the visit would’ve given his mother a chance to bond with their daughter and even thought it was the child’s right to know her grandparents. Despite this, his wife still felt uncertain, especially because her mother-in-law never apologized. 

An older woman looking sly as a younger woman and her male partner go through a disagreement | Source: Shutterstock

She wanted to know if she was terrible for refusing her mother-in-law to visit her grandchild. Many Reddit users entered the comment section to share their thoughts about the woman’s actions. 

What Did Reddit Users Think about the Woman’s Refusal to Allow Her Mother-in-Law Visits with Her Grandchild

One Reddit user noted the part where Mundane_Waltz1106 confirmed that she felt different towards her husband and urged her to “get a divorce.” The person said the mother of one wasn’t wrong and that anyone who’d do what her husband did to her without getting a DNA test was someone she should be concerned about. 

A younger woman and an older one looking upset while sitting on a couch with their backs slightly turned away from each other as their hands are folded | Source: Shutterstock

A younger woman and an older one looking upset while sitting on a couch with their backs slightly turned away from each other as their hands are folded | Source: Shutterstock

Someone with the username LailaBlack said the woman was right and should take screenshots of the racial slurs used by the mother-in-law against her granddaughter and save them. The social media user felt they’d come in handy if divorce proceedings occurred, saying:

“You can state in court how you’re scared that husband will expose your child to a racist.”

A man kneeling with his hands in prayer as he begs for forgiveness from a woman standing with her arms crossed and her face looking away | Source: Shutterstock

The follower felt the woman wasn’t bad and asked why she hadn’t divorced the “mama’s boy yet?” Noting how the poster had said she married her husband at age 19, the social media user was concerned about her marrying a 26-year-old man. 

The commenter teased about the husband being a “real keeper” because he left her abandoned and alone at the hospital after giving birth to their child. The Reddit user also couldn’t believe the woman’s husband kicked her out of their house for a month after she’d given birth. 

A man smiling while holding a baby as it's mother kisses the child | Source: Shutterstock

The follower also believed the mother-in-law had continuously proven how “racist” she was by using racial slurs and vowing never to treat the baby girl as her granddaughter. Another Reddit user also felt the woman wasn’t the wrong person, but her husband was.

The social media user shared how they wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who treated them the way the poster had been handled. 

The person urged her to get a divorce and primary custody if possible. They also encouraged her to document all the racial slurs and things her mother-in-law did, including the treatment her husband had given her and their daughter. 

A Reddit user's comment on Mundane_Waltz1106's post on September 26, 2021 | Source: Reddit/Mundane_Waltz1106

The follower believed any man who kicked their wife out after she’d just given birth to his child was a “monster.” The social media user felt the woman’s husband couldn’t be “so wet behind the ears,” allowing his mother to take all the blame. 

The person warned the poster about being in an abusive relationship despite him not physically abusing her. The commenter believed the woman was mentally abused and his family was doing the same thing. 

A Reddit user's comment on Mundane_Waltz1106's post on September 26, 2021 | Source: Reddit/Mundane_Waltz1106

A Reddit user’s comment on Mundane_Waltz1106’s post on September 26, 2021 | Source: Reddit/Mundane_Waltz1106

Someone with the username FutureLog2849 felt Mundane_Waltz1106’s daughter was “defenseless and vulnerable” and relied on her for everything, including entertainment and hygiene. The Reddit user said the child also relied on her mother for protection from people like her grandmother and father, adding:

“You know they are abusive because they have verbally and emotionally abused YOU.”

A Reddit user's comment on Mundane_Waltz1106's post on September 26, 2021 | Source: Reddit/Mundane_Waltz1106

The person felt the mother-son pair couldn’t be trusted not to harm her daughter, even if it wasn’t physical; the damage could be emotional and would leave more profound and permanent scars. The social media user shared how they wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who treated them the way the poster had been handled. 

Someone who allowed other people to treat them and their child the way her husband allowed them to be treated by her mother-in-law. The follower judged the child’s grandmother and said the poster wasn’t bad for refusing the mother-in-law’s time with her granddaughter.

Instead, the Reddit user believed Mundane_Waltz1106 would’ve been bad if she’d let her “defenseless child” be exposed to someone who was “as blatantly toxic and abusive” as their grandmother.