Twin twins Abby and Erin Delaney were united at the head when they were born. To ensure their survival and provide them with the greatest life possible, their parents went to considerable lengths. They have overcome numerous obstacles to finally find their own happiness, and their remarkable fortitude and persistent resolve have astounded both their family and the medical staff.

Although their parents were ecstatic to learn they were pregnant, there were some challenges.

Just two months after their wedding, Heather and Riley, a newlywed couple, were thrilled to learn that she became pregnant. But what made them extra happier was finding out she was carrying not just one, but two adorable babies of joy during the ultrasound.

Given that Heather’s sisters are identical twins, it wasn’t entirely unexpected, but what really caught them off guard was learning that the twins were related to one another. The twins’ connection at the top of their heads, known as craniopagus conjoined twins, was confirmed after consultation with a physician. Only 2% of conjoined twins are of this type, making them extremely uncommon.

When we first learned, Heather recalled, “we first went into shock and didn’t know what to think.” “I thought this didn’t really happen to people; it’s something you only see on TV.”

The couple was informed that their newborn children had a 2% chance of surviving and might require a rare separation surgery. Although the treatment had been done before, their neighborhood hospital had not yet carried it out. But if separation were a possibility, the expert advised taking into account the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

They only share the skull and its coverings, but they also share the sagittal sinus, a vital vein that runs down the middle and is responsible for 20% of your heart’s output, according to doctor Gregory Heuer. In order to learn more, Heather had a number of procedures, including a high-resolution fetal ultrasound and a fetal echocardiography to look at the babies’ hearts.

Everyone was looking for the greatest method to raise our girls when they were born, she claims.

both the delivery and the procedure to separate them

An ultrasound performed during Heather’s checkup at 26 weeks unexpectedly revealed that the girls’ umbilical cords had become intertwined. The hospital staff was worried about the scenario and suggested she stay in Philadelphia so the babies could be adequately monitored. Abby and Erin were eventually delivered on July 24, 2016, ten weeks sooner than anticipated.

“The team had been prepared for breathing tubes and all sorts of things for them,” the babies’ mother alleged, “but when they were born, they came out crying.”

The twins underwent surgery in October to separate the fused portion of their skulls. They performed a number of further procedures over the course of the next five months as part of the separation procedure.

Formerly Conjoined Twins Survive Against a 2% Chance and Achieve Their First Life Objective
After more than 10 months since their birth, the girls were successfully separated on June 6, 2017, following a lengthy 11-hour surgery. A group of medical experts worked closely together to complete this complex and risky treatment. The surgery’s most arduous phase was finished, but the weeks that followed had their share of challenges as the girls progressively healed.

Erin and Abby immediately started extensive physical and occupational treatment as soon as their conditions permitted it, and five months later, the girls were finally allowed to leave the hospital, marking a crucial turning point in their path.

Heather stated, “Riley and I are happy to see how well the girls are doing today, despite the fact that this has been a long trip with many ups and downs. “We are so appreciative of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia staff, as well as the help and inspiration our families, friends, and the community have provided us throughout this arduous process.”

The twin girls just received their kindergarten diplomas.

The little girls are now living a life that resembles normality after overcoming numerous obstacles and enduring several procedures. The twins have finally arrived at their happy life, despite the fact that they will require further plastic and reconstructive procedures as they become older.

Because of their particular illness, Abby and Erin are developing more slowly than typical children. Abby is now taking her first steps toward learning to walk, while Erin accomplished the astounding feat of walking at the age of five.

“We’re their parents, and we just see them for who they are, and not what’s wrong with them,” their mother claims.

Despite all obstacles, the girls have already graduated from kindergarten, a stunning milestone that many people believed was out of their reach. Their mother said, “We want to show there is a chance they can be separated and eventually lead healthy and happy lives. She continued, “The sky is the limit for my girls.”

This demonstrates that while life might be full of challenging experiences, we can overcome any challenge with tenacity and hope. The parents of Erin and Abby have experienced every step of this difficult journey, and they now wish to encourage other parents going through a similar ordeal.

As Heather explained, “Our goal in sharing our story has always been to try and reach any other parents facing the same type of pregnancy we were in order to give them hope.”

Twins have always been fascinating, and there are many interesting and touching tales about them and their environment. Consider this incredible mother, who joyfully gave birth to twin baby daughters on a very memorable day of the year.

Credit for preview image Pediatrics Center of Philadelphia