She announces her pregnancy during her husband’s death; 25 weeks later, the astonishing news from the doctor is revealed.

Although losing a loved one can be the most trying thing a person will ever go through, God always finds a way to reassure us that things will get better.

Bryan and Courtney Hill had a wonderful marriage. After Bryan’s deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan, they were eager to begin their life together as parents of a daughter.

Sadly, Bryan was murdered in a vehicle accident before they could watch their daughter grow up together. This tore Courtney’s life to shreds, but she had to maintain her composure for her daughter, who had lost her father.

Courtney learned something that completely shocked her while she was getting ready for the wake. She was expecting. Then, as Bryan was attending the wake, she held his hand and said, “Sweetheart, you’re going to be a dad again.”

She had lost the love of her life and was now a single mother expecting a new kid. However, Courtney was adamant about becoming a mother and having the child.

After seeing a doctor, Courtney discovered something she never anticipated. Three children, not one, were on the way for her. “My jaw fell open. But having three more smiles that make me think of him made me happy,” she told CBS Chicago.

Unfortunately, there are always hazards associated with multiple pregnancies, and when Courtney had another ultrasound, she learned some terrible news. One of the infants passed away. Fortunately, Miles and Harper were born in perfect health.

Courtney’s children filled her with pride, and she always took comfort in the knowledge that her husband was watching over them from above.

Courtney’s standard response to inquiries about the gender of her children was, “I call them surviving triplets.”

Courtney is thriving and doing the best she can to raise her three children with the assistance of her family and friends. She is a happy mother who is optimistic about the future.