Recently, six generations of ladies were captured in a beautiful family photograph. MaeDell (Taylor) Hawkins, Gracie Howell’s 98-year-old grandma, has reportedly held a lot of babies over the course of her life, according to Gracie Howell, 58.

Last month, Zhavia, MaeDell’s great-great-great-granddaughter, who joined the family in December, was pictured holding her close.

From the infant to her great-great-great-grandmother, all women were depicted in the photograph, which received accolades from Gracie.

Pictured with Gracie are her mother Francis, Jacqueline, her daughter Jacqueline’s baby’s mother Jaisline, and MaeDell carrying Zhavia.

This photograph serves as a remarkable memorial to motherhood’s enduring power. The family’s uninterrupted line of female transmission of love, knowledge, and experiences to each succeeding generation is amazing to witness.

These pictures make us appreciate the beauty of life and the love-based familial ties that we cherish for a lifetime.

Gracie, who will turn 99 in July, fondly recollects fond recollections of her grandmother. MaeDell is still cognitively sharp and knowledgeable despite her advanced age, and she is constantly prepared to share her knowledge about child care.

MaeDell, who now resides in a nursing home, effortlessly removed Zhavia’s infant from her mother’s grasp when she became restless during a recent visit. MaeDell then tickled the child’s little feet.

Gracie cherishes the memories of her grandmother’s tender care for her adorable granddaughter and their enjoyable interactions.

Gracie acknowledges that she was taken aback by the unanticipated interest that developed after she sent a picture of MaeDell and Zhavia to a nearby meteorologist along with a description of her grandmother’s life.

She was, nevertheless, ecstatic at the overwhelmingly favorable reception that ensued. MaeDell now has the chance to become famous, which she surely deserves because of her response.

Age is just a number and should never determine a person’s worth, as the story of MaeDell and her contagious attitude serves as a reminder.

MaeDell is a celebration of a long and productive life as well as the happiness and wisdom she brings to everyone around her.

Gracie asserts that her grandma never brooded about the difficulties she faced in life. MaeDell wed her first husband at the age of 16, when he was already in his forties.

He had to spend the majority of each week away from home because of his job as a train worker. They reared his ten children from his first marriage while having 13 children together.

Because MaeDell required contemporary comforts like a washing machine, dishwasher, and running water, her existence was challenging. When she was a teenager, Gracie remembers her granny not having access to running water.

Despite these challenges, according to MaeDell’s daughter, the family only traveled with enough food, supper, or clean clothes.

Despite her struggles, MaeDell never voiced her dissatisfaction and carried on as usual.

Her tenacity and resolve set an example for everyone around her, showing that happiness can be found even in the most trying circumstances.

The size of MaeDell’s family grew throughout time. She gloats, “We have a big and lovely family. Despite outliving several wives and the majority of her stepchildren, MaeDell has had a fulfilling life.

Gracie compliments her and declares, “I adore her.” MaeDell’s trip has been meaningful and substantial, filled with numerous live events and numerous loved ones.