The artificial intelligence bot served as the officiant for a Colorado couple’s wedding.

A bot driven by artificial intelligence Couples can use ChatGPT’s newest unexpected capability to say “I do.”

The Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, or chatbot, officiated a Colorado couple’s wedding on Saturday. It was created by the AI research firm Open AI.

The robot remarked, “Thank you all for joining us today to celebrate the extraordinary love and unity of Reece Alison Wiench and Deyton Truitt,” through a speaker. The speaker was positioned between the bride and groom and had a robotic, C-3PO-like mask resting on top of it.

Due to the fact that their state does not require a recognized marriage official to officiate a marriage ceremony, the newlyweds from Colorado were able to hold this unusual wedding.

When speaking with CBS Colorado, the groom, Truitt, described his wedding day as “monumental” and said that, “by the grace of God, it’s not necessary to have an officiant at the wedding so long as both partners agree.”

Stephen Wiench, the groom’s father, came up with the “easier and cheaper” artificial officiant idea.

The robot initially expressed reluctance to carry out the incredibly human act of officiating the wedding, stating, “Sorry, I can’t do this. I can’t show up and officiate your wedding since I don’t have eyes or a body, claims Wiench.

The pair was prepared to get married after the wedding party began utilizing ChatGPT, noted for its intelligence and personalisation compared to other AI bots.

Weaving in comments like, “We are honored and grateful to each and every one of you here, especially those who have traveled out of state — notably, Kansas,” into the recitation of the essential words, the bot used the personal information the families provided and incorporated it into the ceremony.

The surprisingly traditional location for a modern wedding was an old church with 100 seats that was built in 1885.

The couple told a local newspaper, the Longmont Leader, that they planned their big day in little under a week and that, once they determined the bot would officiate, they emailed an AI-generated message to their 30 guests.

The bot wrote in its statement, “During the ceremony, I will eloquently express the significance of this historic moment and the limitless possibilities that arise when love and technology intersect,” the paper reported.