According to Lindsay Donnelly, in a hilarious incident that went viral, she demonstrated to her husband what it would look like if she stopped doing anything around the house.

After her husband’s comment about cleaning, the TikTok mom says, “Mommy’s not doing any housework.”

A mother of two from Connecticut took the decision to act after her husband made a snarky remark about how she doesn’t clean the house.

And by something, Lindsay Donnelly, 33, says her husband Brian’s “totally spontaneous” complaint caused her to put the cleaning of their home on hold.

“It wasn’t a constant battle. It’s more of a “keeping a house clean with two working parents and two little kids’ conversation on a day-to-day basis,” she explains.

The family’s home isn’t always pristine as they have a 4-year-old and a 7-year-old. She therefore made the decision to demonstrate what it would actually look like when Brian suggested that his wife “never” cleans up after herself.

When she originally went on “strike,” Donnelly did so to make a point, but she soon discovered the humor in the circumstance.

The night before she recorded the TikTok, she went out with her girlfriends, and she said, “I was telling them how I was literally doing nothing around the house and we were all kind of laughing about it.”

“And then the following day, as I was getting ready to leave for a girl’s trip, I had the idea, ‘I’m really just gonna leave the house like this.’ I was in such pain until I realized that this is actually funny. This is the instant. I created the TikTok at that time.

Most of the mess went unnoticed by Donnelly’s children because they were too busy being kids, but her daughter saw her mother make a bed.

My daughter was in the room that morning, and I always make the beds, so I was feeling a little irritated with my husband. I do it out of habit. While I was making the bed, she was in there with me. I then came to a stop, asked, “You know what?,” and made the bed.

“And then she enquired, ‘What are you doing?’” ‘Mommy’s not doing any housework,’ I declared.

As the video gained popularity and mothers everywhere related, her husband remained in the dark.

She laughs, “I don’t know whether he even realized until I told him. He was merely irritated by the clutter in the house.

Later, Donnelly posted a video in which she laughs that there is “more to that video” and explains that she and her husband’s domestic dispute went viral.

“I was surprised that at that point, none of his friends had spoken to him. But over the course of the following week, his pals began screenshotting and commenting,” she chuckles.

“I intend to write more about this. I think it’s beneficial that Brian and I get along well and that we can both be silly, even when we’re not feeling our best. It’s both humor and realism at the same time,” she continues. I sincerely aim to create more content that connects with viewers without leading them to believe that my partner and I should have a divorce.

Being aware of the landscape as a professional content creator alongside other moms for Show Up Authentic, Donnelly is motivated to share more on social media about her personal life in response to those critical comments. She believes that spreading more positivity is the best course of action.

It saddens me because, you know, the internet should be a place where we can express ourselves honestly without worrying about being judged, bullied, or having people leap down our throats. And finding out how we can make it a safer environment is something I’m really, really enthusiastic about,” she says.

“Some people were joking, but I think others took it to a really mean place, and I just worry for like our kids and like our future if grown adults are acting that way when they comment on people’s content,” the speaker said. Then, how can we expect our kids to act? For me, it was difficult.