It’s a fact that you cannot conceal. Speaking about your mental health is the only way to get well, the model and actress remarked.

Cara Delevingne has realized how crucial it is to maintain both her physical and mental wellness.

The model and actress revealed she’s battled anxiety since she was a child and called it a “downfall” that she’s no longer attempting to hide while participating in a panel at the Youth Mental Health benefit on June 12.

It’s a fact that you cannot conceal. The only way to get better is to talk about it, the 30-year-old stated. I’m tired of trying to escape myself because all I end up doing is escaping myself and running into a wall.

“Anxiety — the thing about it is the ‘what ifs’ and the not knowing,” she said. Therefore, being able to accept that you are ignorant is a tremendous thing. I have no idea what will occur tomorrow. What will happen in five minutes is unknown to me. But I don’t mind it since I’m living in the here and now. What if something goes horribly wrong? If I don’t sound that smart, what then? Who knows, what if I seem silly in this attire? However, those concerns have the potential to trouble you, causing you to spiral and gradually get worse.

Delevingne claimed that therapy was never helpful for her anxiety since she frequently found that it caused her to “talk herself into being more anxious.” Yoga was her go-to alternative when she was “in her head so much.”

Not the exercise aspect of yoga, but the breath practice that underlies it all, she said, “was really the first thing that really helped me.” “Reestablishing a connection with your body. Additionally, simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle by exercising.

Although anxiety and sadness have received a lot of attention recently, Delevingne continued, many people lack the resources to “process the emotions behind it.”

The supermodel acknowledged that she had attempted numerous types of therapy and stated, “Sometimes the more energy you give to the anxiety, sometimes the worse it gets, you don’t know how to kind of move through it.”

She claimed that joining a 12-step program last fall, following a battle with substance misuse, was beneficial, despite the trial and error involved in finding a solution for her mental health difficulties. The event, according to Delevingne, inspired her to “not make any more excuses” and resolve to rehabilitate and be transparent about her health journey.

She continued, “I’ve discovered that the community part of 12-step programs is incredibly useful to me more than any other aspect of being clean. Through this, I discovered a wonderful source of support and motivation from communities of women who encourage one another every day.

“Treatment isn’t for everyone, nothing is for everyone, but the things that have really helped me are learning to love myself through other people, learning to really be myself with other people,” Delevingne said. “Because I believe that my entire focus was on striving to be flawless, even though I was by no means perfect. But inside my thoughts, all I wanted was to improve on who I was. If that makes sense, it was similar to who I truly was, who I tried to be, and who I believed I was. There was always a significant discrepancy, but I believe I have resolved all of those issues now.