Gray hair is often associated with aging, however there are other causes of hair aging. Stress and more frequent use of hair products are two other factors in addition to age that should be taken into consideration. The cause of gray hair is insufficient melanin production, which makes hair follicles weaker and causes the hair to lose its black color. The main causes of the increase in gray hair are listed below.

Examine the seven behaviors that promote gray hair in people under 30.

  1. You are a woman who is anxious

Every single problem you face has always been caused by stress, and stress is a major component in hair graying as well. The most common sign of stress is graying hair. Depigmentation, which is triggered by stress, results in gray hair.

  1. You smoke compulsively.

Smoking not only harms your lungs, but it also contributes to female infertility. According to a poll, women who start smoking and get hooked to it are more likely to develop gray hair than non-smokers. Smoke is considered one of the causes of smoking since cigarettes contain carcinogens that harm hair follicles and reduce melanin production.

  1. You overeat and consume unhealthy food.

Your food is another important factor in hair aging; if you do not consume enough proteins and vitamins, your body will suffer as well as the health of your hair follicles, which will lead to less keratin production. Include spinach and other protein supplements for strong, black hair.

  1. You apply a tough shampoo.

If you are using a harsh shampoo, stop using it right once and switch to a mild, herbal shampoo instead. Since harsh shampoo destroys hair follicles, it can cause premature graying of the hair.

  1. Your thyroid hasn’t been examined

Depression, which increases stress and promotes delayed melanin production as a result, is one of the main thyroid symptoms. Gray hair can occur from insufficient melanin production. Ask your doctor for advice on how to avoid this issue, and start taking your usual medicine right away.

  1. You enjoy applying hair gels and sprays.

Teenagers, in particular, frequently use gels to smooth their hair and create different hairstyles, but these products include chemicals that can harm your hair follicles, reduce the synthesis of melanin, and increase the amount of gray hair.

  1. You neglect to reapply hair oil.

The greatest approach to prevent gray hair is to oil your hair, which gives the hair follicles enough nutrition to grow stronger and more hair. Oiling keeps your hair moisturized, something shampoo and conditioner cannot make up for.