One of the hardest decisions a person will ever have to make is whether to take a loved one from life support, especially if the prognosis is not good. Ryan Finley was left with this big responsibility after his wife Jill fell into a coma.

Jill had been found unconscious and unresponsive by Ryan. Before the paramedics arrived, he did everything he could, including performing CPR and saying a prayer for her survival.

Even though Jill knew the likelihood of a happy outcome was slim, Ryan persisted in believing in her despite her weak heart and faint breathing. Thankfully, paramedics were able to revive her when they arrived in time.

She was treated with a specialized cooling garment as soon as she arrived at the Oklahoma Heart Hospital. The most important thing was to protect her brain from more oxygen deprivation-related harm. She fell into an unconscious state because of her condition.

Ryan, Jill’s spouse, held onto hope despite the dire prognosis given by the medical team and turned to prayer. Even as the days went by and he was informed that a recovery was unlikely, he kept on praying.

He was eventually urged to take into account letting the medical staff turn off Jill’s life support, though.

Ryan’s diary entry from this day reveals his suffering and agony. He talked of the awful agony of having to decide whether or not to let Jill go.

He finally weighed her requests and decided to let her go rather than let her suffer any longer.

As the family gathered to say their final goodbyes to Jill, the machine was turned off, and the doctors informed them that she would not pass away fast since she was going through the “final rally.”

Before asking her husband to drive her away, Jill started muttering that she wanted to go to one of her favorite Mexican restaurants, Ted’s or Melting Pot. Despite his sadness, Ryan had faith in Jill’s ability to recover.

Jill survived, underwent heart surgery, underwent a protracted recuperation, and was finally able to breathe independently thanks to Ryan’s good fortune.

Jill had no recall of her time in the coma despite her amazing recovery, though she did struggle with her short-term memory and had trouble pronouncing some words and phrases.

Jill made a miraculous recovery thanks to state-of-the-art medical equipment as well as the encouragement and hope of her family.

Jill’s perseverance allowed her a second opportunity at life despite the challenging situation, giving her and her loved ones a renewed appreciation for each day.

Despite having coronavirus, Jill’s prayers were answered as she gradually recovered after spending a lot of time on a ventilator.

The 65-year-old grandma was given a second chance at life even though the illness claimed the lives of her husband and sister. She felt well overall, and she was ready to take advantage of this chance.

Jill was thrilled that her relationship with her daughter, who had stood by her during the trying time, was still as strong as ever.

Jill claims that they are now more appreciative of their time together and relish every moment. Jill, who no longer takes things for granted, gained perspective after witnessing her loved ones succumb to the terrible sickness.

You can view the movie below to discover more about Jill’s remarkable tale. Do not forget to share this uplifting tale with your Facebook friends and family!